Saturday, January 17, 2009

Felt like blogging...

Aloha to all my friends n to those reading my posts.
I m really tired of doing my hw,
ao sian sia,
everyday oso hv to finish hw,
do assess bk,
or else will get scolded n blah blah blah... T.T
(I learned tat emoticon from other blogs...looks pretty cute...;D)
but i guess i still hv to continue doing,
so no use toking bout it.
Aiya! I oso dunno wat i m toking bout lars,
so jus ignore me...

erm....lets c...
oh yas, my aunt bot me a pair of sunglasses n i like it ALOT!
i finally hv the type of sunglasses i like!
now tat makes me happy...

erm...wat else...
ok tis is gettin pretty boring....
haiya...nowadays i really dunno wat to blog sia....
i jus know tat I hv lotsa stress now...
ok well,
wen i tink of something nice 2 share i will blog again...

4 now,
i'm signing off...

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Cheers! =b

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