Thursday, February 19, 2009

fun but tiring day!!!!!! :D

Jus woke up from my really really short nap jus now...on the table, lol (:
i tink the table is much more comfortable as compared to the bed, dunno why
mayb jus bcos i hv really been vexing myself out during these exam period...
poor me ): lol

Today was great fun as there was PE!! Yea!
8 mins easy run(bet it was more minutes than jus 8 mins)
then floorball-ed.
Sooooooooo funnnnn!!
But i was complaining, cos right after the run, Mr ong let us practice for awhile wif frens.
N I did a bold thing:
the ball was hit by joyce and it rolled out of the hall into a hole,
a quite deep hole.
ok, it was pretty deep.
then mr ong was called n told tat the ball had gone into the hole.
then he said sarah shld retrieve the ball since her hand was the smallest(ahah, at least mine not smallest then ;) no offence sarah)
then she was like "huh, dun wan leh,"
cos the hole was dirty, so no one dared to do "it"(retrieve the ball from the hole.
so I did it.
It was....erm.....pretty normal,
of course my hand became dirty lar,
but jus wash lor,
then the ball retrieved le.

yuppy, then played "friendly match" between the different grps according to houses.
sooooo funnnn,
actually tiring lors....
first battle with annabel and joyce they all grp,
she took the place of goalkeeper n jus stay there while i was runnin round like siao..
soooo tiring....really
then me n me, annabel, urara, n every1 keep laughing, so fun while playing.
Nxt play wif yuntian n JM's grp,
then play until i say tat i dun like JM cos she block me, then she win(but of corse kidd, still gd frens :D)
The result: Got hit in the leg twice, luckily no major injuries or being hit in the head like basket and volley ball, uggh, dun remind me of those bad moments ):

then recessed, can't eat anything, cos play till even face red,
then mr sim talked to us n complimented yuntian, joyce n me tat we put makeup till very red!
haha mr sim!
then math, went tru chpt 2,
then chinese CT *gasp*
its like quite diff lors, then during eng(another fun period)
we did a debate: white house, something something, murder is the worst crime,
forgot the real topic le, but it is debating bout whether murder is the worst crime.
then Mr yew lar,
"yap Jia wen!"
gave me a shock, then ask me to say something to prove tat murder is the worst crime...
since i m the proposition(i tink)
then i said tat murder is gory(dunno how to spell)
then everyone laughed,
actually i jus found out the meaning,
then only i realised it was like happy tree frens all the killing like tat wan...
oh yas, then b4 tat urara said wat preposition wen it was supposed to b proposition,
then we all laugh like siao again,
then debate debate debate, till bell ring ( fun anymore)
so go for sci,
i still tot sch over le. :b
the sci went thru sci class test 2
did quite badly for it,
aiya dun wanna talk bout it ny further,

ok, so tats how my fun but tiring day comes about....

end of day conclusion: I dislike floorball n debates :)

Okey, gtg revise for math n sci alrdy, :(
dun wanna but have ta......sigh......oh wellz, jiayou lors

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo wanna join showbiz!!!!! <333333

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