Monday, March 2, 2009

Wat a tiring day!!!!

How'd yall doin t'day mate?
Fine, I suppose....
okok, enuf wif ze accente,

todae, was a really, really, REALLY TIRING day for me....
in the morn, i unfortunately found out tat I had actually forgotten to bring my file....
n not jus any file...
it was my most impt file...
the file had everything, my geog ws, sci ws, eng essay, n evryting else tat i needed to actually survive in sch,
ok mayb not tat serious, buts it was impt.
so i started feelin v sad lar,
cos supposed to hand in sci ws or else will get zero mark or something.
then maths,
recved the paper,
*dream on man, not even gonna tell the marks* lol
n then...erm oh yea sci,
went to bio lab, as usual, then did experiment, which our grp,
got mixed up, then we didn't do it, haha, oh wellz,
oh oh, n then mr lim said tat i can hand in the ws aft sch, yay!
buhden, it means i wil hv to rush homw then come bck to sch to put in his locker agin,
haiz, so waste $$! But as long as can get marks...
then music, but but but.....
mrs wong didn't come.....
so guess who took over,
ah bu then mr yew lor,
actually is mr marcus,
but i guess i m more used to callin tchers by surnames, so mr yew.
then he relieved our class,
n man did we laugh like siao man.
he asked us wat we were supposed to learn durin music,
then some1 went to say horror,
then he said he like horror movies,
*gasp* I dun like horror movies, unfortunately,
then he told us stories, erm not really stories, but like movies...
scary ones tat he had watched,
he expressed out the scary parts,
n it was really really really really funny!!!!!!!!!
he can really express it out man, no kidd,
no wonder he was from drama in vj....

then recessed.

mtl, had tingxie,
n i was really happy cos i got study,
so most, most of the words i was sure of n knew how to write. yay
then after mtl is geog,
mrs lau didn't come oso (wah so many tchers nvr come 2day :X)
then we had two free peiods to ourselves! woohoo!
then dunno why jus felt moody, so nvr talked, not really talked lar,
then xuanrong say i looked depressed,
n before i knew it,
i felt a shadow cast o'er me,
annabel lor, who else man,
then she play tic tac toe wif me, then vandalised my paper,
(my pitiful paper ;( )
oh yas, b4 tat sarah dunno wat she do(i wasn't lookin)
then the green thing tat mrs lau say for those ppl to reflect on their wrong doin or soemthing,
well yea, it came down,
cos i tink sarah was playin wif it, then it dropped or something,
then sarah had to fix it, yeas,
then eng, last period!
b4 eng, the small period of time wif JM n others i asked annabel n JM why they nvr come to my house to killme,
which they said they would on fri...i tink,
then JM's account:'s car broke down.
Annabel's account:
I had to meet an important client.
which wan to blieve?
two accounts leh,
diff somemore,
aiya nvm,
as long as now i'm still alive n kickin n typin in front of my comp now its fine!
then aft sch is e best part....
went for lunch wif yuju, jing ning n yuntian!
at macs, at the $4.50 mchicken meal,
then while eatin,
actually saw something unexpected...
prefer not to talk bout them,
then went to walk around northpoint,
then bot presents for abi n lixin le,
then had to rush home to get sci ws,
then rush bck to sch again to put the ws in locker,
then rush bck home again to erm yea, go home.
tiring rite,
somemore i dun live nearby,
i mean not really nearby,
so v tiring....

okies i gtg le,
hv to eat my dinner now,
byez!!!!! ;)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo V worried bout gettin bck exam paper arrrgghh!

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