Wednesday, June 9, 2010


He.ll.o. (:
Hahahas Okay that was random (:
Well but its a good start for starting this post I guess (:
Today was a typically suay day for moi. ):
*stares at Yuju*
Yep. We suffered the same "suay-ful" fate todayyyy ):

Lemme explain. (:
At first, I met up with her at Yishun MRT to take some pics for the amazing race to act as clues for the SIA Camp.
*woo. I apologise for interrupting this but..
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Opening brace at end of text.
-.- WTH is THAT supposed to mean?!?
urgh. Ahwell.. I shall still continue -_______-*
As I was saying..
we wanted to take some pics and we met some super random people:
1st: Picture of DBS Sign:
Me: Er uncle (security guard over there) can we take some pictures of the logo here ar?
Security Guard: *stares at me* oh. Er Cannot leh.. *talks n talks like trying to stall for time for i dunno what*
Me: *stares at him and listened for a few seconds then realised no point listening to him so ignored him and took pictures while listening*

2nd: Picture of red box thinggy.. i think its the fuse box or sth..
Nothing much so skip this one.. (:

3rd: Picture of some weird looking bushes (oh but they looked really cute and stumpy and small (:)
Me: *busily snapping pictures of the cute looking bush*
A SUPER RANDOM Uncle: Haha! Wah, taking pictures ar? *smiles* Haha! What's that ar? Christmas Tree ar? Hahahahaha!
Yuju and I: Er.. Hahahahahahaha ya ya Hahahahaha!
Me: *finishes with photo-taking and immediately turns away* Ha. Not funny. -.-
LOL. Cos we were really running on a tight schedule.. so my mood wasn't really good xP

4th: Picture of sign for No Skateboarding:
Nth much too so skip.. (:

5th: Picture of this Rock below the escalator:
Me: *squeezing my face in between the railings and stretching my hands with my iPhone as far as i can go to take a close up of the rock.*
Suddenly, a security guard walks over and glares at me and gives me a *what in the world do u think ur doing* kinda look.
Me: *Paiseh SMILE* (:
I seriously. Seriously. Looked like a retard then. -.-
So embarrassing ==

Yep. (:
OH OH but before that I met Meifang! (:
Hahaha she super funny seh (:
Cos I was snooping around the bread cake shop and when I left the shop,
I HONESTLY did NOT see Meifang,
I thought she was like a normal passerby cos she let her hair down so I didn't take notice..
Until she suddenly flashed her.. okay that sounds wrong O.O..
I mean swiped her.. or maybe I should say..
EXTENDED her hand and WAVED in my face THEN I realised it was her (:
HAHAHA But Okay Fine. I suffer from SLOW reaction -.-
So it went like:
Meifang: *waves hand in my face*
Me: *stares for like 5 seconds* OH. OH. OMG. HI :D
Meifang: *starts LAUGHING her Famous laugh*
Hahahahahaha (:

Okay back to MOI story (:
Then we decided to take the Bus to Khatib the bottlenose park.. or is it called the Bottletree park? ._.
Okay Fine. I think Bottletree park sounds more correct LOL. (:
Then we were discussing Silly Billy CMPS on the Bus so we kinda missed the stop.
So Yuju frantically pressed the bell to alight at the NEXT stop so we could at least WALK back..
aiya can get some exercise what (:
But OH MAN did things get wrong. -.-
The Bus driver continued driving and missed the next stop as well. -_-
so we were like HUH?!?!
then we pressed the bell again then we waited..
and the Bus driver AGAIN missed the next next stop. -__-
So We decided to go in front to tell the bus driver to alight at the next stop and we realised he was a Cheenaman with a VERY STRONG cheena accent. -___-
then we thought since we'd alrdy went up to him to tell him to stop at the next stop,
he would know that he has to stop alrdy,
BUT Oh No. Man did we think WRONG. -____-
He CONTINUE AGAINNNNNN to miss that stop.
Wah I tell u.
If it wasn't for the fact that Yuju was with me,
I would've screamed my head off at the cheenaman to just STOP THE BUS IMMEDIATELY.
I mean like, He's already missed like FIVE STOPS???
And He seems determined to keep missing man.
So we ended up at the bus stop opposite Yuju's Condo -_____-
I was like standing right BESIDE HIM and went like UNCLE. STOP. HERE. (in cheenish)
And all he said was Oh! Dui Bu Qi! Dui Bu Qi! and Give that apologetic smile of his when we were really running outta time to do our project and everything ):
then we had to take another bus back to bottletree park and we took pics and we couldn't find the farm Winglam said there was -.-
Hahahas but it was fun nevertheless and Yuju and I were like talking and snapping pics and talking and snapping pics (:
HAHA We tried to act like tourists cos we were really SNAPPING PICS LIKE SIAO hahahaha (:

Then we went to northpoint to get sth to drink and further discuss CMPS.
Man. We received ALOT of setbacks on the way there man.
It was sooooooo depressing. ):
To understand how depressing it was,
I ate the XXXL chicken from shilin with my hands continuously AND I crushed a paper cup with my hands AND I said the F word. Once. Just Once.
Now I kinda regret.
But I won't be saying the F word anymore don't worry (:
But it was that bad.
All because of?
*Tears CMPS apart bit by bit and Burns it and dance around it while performing a ritual making sure it goes STRAIGHT to hell. ):*

Okay.. (:
I guess I've complained enough and I've been MIA-ing FB for quite awhile now (:
I've blogged TWICE consecutively so YALL BETTER CHERISH IT ;)
THANKS for bothering to read my blog btw (:
Love allllllllll of you (:

But Its just cos I'm a really Picky and Fussy person so so far no template's been to my liking ):
Awwwww so saddd (:

Hahahahahs Okay I kinda miss FB alrdy so..
CIAO! ;)

xoxoxoxoxo I feel superrrr insecure now and I hate feeling this way. ):

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