Monday, October 18, 2010

Hilarious moments. (:

HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry, but I think my youngest sister is HILARIOUS.
So I've just got itchy fingers & wanna post somemore (:

*sister was messing around with my curve ruler, bending here bending there*
Sis: Why?
Me: Okay let me tell you, inside this ruler there's a metal, and if you keep playing with this ruler, the metal will fall out and what will happen then, you tell me?
(HAHAHA I'm so mean & its so nice making up stories HEE. :D)
Sis: Um. It will hit my head.
Me: And then?
Sis: Umm. Will have a lot of blood.
Me: Why got a lot of blood?
Sis: Because metal is made of glass, so will piang on my head then will have blood.
(She has no future studying science HAHAHAHAHA no la ;) )
Me: *resists laughter* Okay, and then u tell me, what will that cause?
Sis: Umm.... *thinks for quite some time* Brain problems?
Me: *CONTROLS.* Umm, anything else? Like con.. (I wanted to hint concussion just for fun)
Sis: Um, Cancer.
Me: *thinking OMG WTH?!* Um. NO. Concuss?
Then yea, she finally guessed it correctly (:

AND. She wanted to laugh at me and say I was bald cause she was fake cutting my hair,
& she pronounced BOLD instead of BALD.

I think she's hilarious.
& I'm getting lamer by the day because I'm hanging out more often with her each day.

xoxo I think I've changed. But I'm not sure if its for the worse or if its for the better. :/

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