Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Picture perfect memories

Today was a "Fun-In-The-Sun" kinda day!!! (:

Went out with lei as usual & we went to collect our pay for our collection of data job!!!! *KA-CHING*

Then we went to D Good Cafe @ Holland V for lunch! ;)

Sadly we didn't get the nice seats with the swing ): but it's alright, because EVEN NICER PICS are on the way~ 
Just.. Promise me you'll stay with me till the end of this post okay? ;)

I had the Eggs Benedict ($13.50) & you can top up with an additional drink ($3) with the option of Coffee or a cold drink!
But I skipped topping up with an addition drink because.... Desserts are more important HAHAHA (don't y'all agree? Aw C'mon.)
But the Eggs Ben were nice, no doubt, but not really special in my opinion. I wouldn't specially come back to this cafe just to have their eggs Ben hahaha

On the other hand, lei had the Chicken Tikki Masala ($12) & I tried a little of hers & it tasted AMAZING. If I were to go back to D Good Cafe, I'd definitely be ordering this instead! (: 

Now moving on to... DESSERTS!!

Top dessert is the Chocolate Lava Cake ($5) & the bottom dessert is the Maple Sea Salt Cheesecake ($9)!!
Both of these dessert dishes-

Omg sorry to suddenly cut off but I just saw my dog do the most adorable thing ever HAHAHA he was sleeping when he suddenly woke up with a jolt & used his paws to scratch his snout part (if u get what I mean) & then turned his head & now he's sleeping like this


Okay anyway sorry for the sudden cut off..
As I was saying..

Both of these dessert dishes taste Amazing... when consumed separately.
It was a mistake to order both desserts to consume together. Because one dish offers a bittersweet taste (Choc Lava Cake) & the other dish offers the opposite, a salty taste (Maple sea salt cheesecake) 
Hence the taste was abit awkward. Cause we shared both desserts so we had to down water to clear the taste of one dessert before moving on to the next dessert. 
So Yeap! Just for u guys to take note if you're both a fan of lava cake & maple sea salt cheesecake (like me <:)

A close up pic of the chocolate lava cake :P

So in total we spent close to $40! (: 
But we just got our pay.. & we worked really hard to earn this money... So...

We were about to leave the place when we decided to explore the cafe abit more, because there were 2 levels of the cafe! The cafe is found on levels 2 & 3! Level 1 is like a dermatologist clinic or a dentist if I'm not wrong heh! I was too fascinated by the lift we took to go upstairs I didn't take note of what was on level 1 *guilty smile* 
We ended up finding this really beautifully decorated rooftop place!!! 

P/S: I'm having a breakout so my face is in a mess so pardon me for my messed up face 

Thennnnn we spent like half an hour (HAHA IKR) in front of the MRT board deciding where we should go next to take pictures!! 
The weather today, though it POURED this morning, was horrible in the afternoon. Extremely sunny, & HUMID! 

After much deliberation....
I don't know why we did this to ourselves but I'm thankful we did..
We decided to go to Botanical gardens HAHAHA 
Yes. Despite it being super sunny & warm & though in our hearts we hoped to go to someplace air conditioned, we went ahead with Botanical Gardens.

Look what happened next..

I kinda really like this candid pic (above) cause I really laughed because I was trying to get this picture taken while walking backwards HAHA 

Lei: This picture is nice!! Though it's blur!
Me: This picture is nice.. BECAUSE it is blur

Me posing with Lei's handbag hahaha (time for me to really go get a nice handbag of my own) 

& I like this pic also!!!!! Cause it looks really natural HAHAHA credits to the photographer *raises hands in the air* 

HAHA I really need to work on my expressions... Trying the hipster ootd here, as learnt from The F Word on clicknetwork's video, How to take the perfect ootd!! 

Caption: Mong~

Trying to be #coolkids95 to sit on the "road" 


There were some angmohs that kept walking around & just nice they walked past us so. 

I think the shorter angmoh's side profile looks ALOT like 

I can't really find a good side profile of his on Google!! But from the second pic u try to use your imagination to flip it around & it's quite similar!!!!! 
Ladies & gentlemen, we have found our Bill Unger in Singapore HAHA (:

Anyway back to what happened at Botanical gardens.. This is my Favourite set of pics <:

The above picture is my favourite hehe so I also posted it on insta ^^

I look like I have grey hair in this pic right HAHAHA (when I'm old........)

Finally our shots together ^^ 

So YAY today was another good day spent (:

Except towards the end of the day, not with lei, but with this really really really. Ugh. 
I shall not ruin this nice happy post. 
I may post about this later on but.. We'll see. 
*trying my best to on zen mode*

A'ighty mates! Off to bed~
G'nite & Salty dreams!! 
Nah just kidding, sweet dreams for everyone <3

xoxoxoxoxoxo what's wrong with some people in this world sigh. 

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