Thursday, August 21, 2014

School's ALL IN

Hey guys did y'all miss m.....y posts?? HAHAHA ;)

Okay I shall do a lot of updates cause I realised I haven't updated since like July whoops.

End of July & Beginning of August:
Basically I went for 3 camps in total before school at SMU officially started <:
First, INSPIRAR CAMP 2014!!! I was in Phoenix ;) #wearehot

& ending off with a whole Red clan photo

They're a really really cool & lively bunch of people that I can talk crap with hahaha which was really cool ;) but they also like to tease me a lot *GLARES* 
Oh & yes I earned myself a nickname, Wenmei 妏妹 because Jon said I looked like the main girl character from 还珠格格 so. HAHAHA which I find kinda funny & at first though it was annoying but after awhile... Okay it kinda sounds alright.. (:

I really liked this camp cause it's like a CIP camp where we got to go to beneficiaries, & my Favourite beneficiary to go to is ADRC, Apex Day Rehabilitation Centre. 

The pics are blurred to protect the interests of the elderly at ADRC, but I'm thankful I went to this beneficiary most of the time, because I LOVE the people there. The elderly there really changed my perception of them. I initially was afraid that it would be just me talking to myself & that the elderly there would be highly unresponsive, & just sad & the atmosphere would be gloomy. But I was thoroughly WRONG. The first time I went in there, the elderly really greeted us all cheerfully & were so grateful we spent time with them and were filled with smiles all the way. I'm thinking this is probably also cause this is just like an elderly daycare for them so they get to go home to be with their families after a certain timing. So they still feel happy & appreciative (: which I'm so thankful for! (: I'm really glad that after going there for 3 times there are some elderly whom really still remember me which I find rather rare because there are many groups of students who would go to ADRC to visit them, but I feel extremely honoured that they still remember me (: 

The second pic is like an Unglam but I think it's quite funny cause like that's I think my standard face 90% of the time. HAHAHAHA #embracingmynaturalface

And then these pics were taken at Inspirar Finale:

Sharon & I were with this beautiful lady for the whole of the finale & it's cool how I realised she often goes to Bishan-AMK park (where I also go sometimes) to exercise in the morning!! 

Next up:
This was my business faculty camp hehe, in Yakuza 1 (:

And we took this at concocation 2014!! (Omg I realise I really have ALOT to update about hahaha)

Not everyone's here.. Cause it was really 乱 at convoc as everyone had to find everyone else for a group photo so it was difficult getting a full group shot ): 

Some selfies tho

#legitgroup #bestclan 

Last but definitely not the least:
FTB (Freshmen Teambuilding Camp) RUN 3!!!!
I was in OWHERE?? ODAIRRRR!! Clan, In #ODAIR6 the sexiest HAHAHA ;)

Showing off my sexy legs HAHAHA nah just kidding (but told u we were sexy) 


& we took this during convocation!!!

Really love how all of us are so different yet we're somehow able to click hahaha
Especially loved our intellectual yet deep HTHT on the last night of the camp (: 

Then the next next day (I think) some of us were able to make it for late night supper woohoo


Okay I've gtg for class now.. Wish me luck!!
Last class for the week YES LET'S GO

xoxoxoxo still so nervous, lord give me the strength 

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