Thursday, July 3, 2008

juz felt like writing...n talking bout stupid NDP!!!

Hey gals, so sry I have not been posting lately...
so busy wif all the hw, asses bks, NDP, oh...talking about it has juz made my headache get worse.
Anywayz, I juz received my costume on Tues and I tink it looks real stupid, no kidd, it really is worse than I have imagined it 2 b!!! It has 2 silly PINK flowers on the front and the shirt is long sleeved n its orange!xO The pants even have 'wings' which I absolutelt tink looks horrible!
Ugghhh! Yucks! Can't imagine I m actually going 2 hv 2 wear it on national day!
Even the hat looks horrible with COLOURFUL seaweed on it, it is also sooooo heavy!!!
I guess tats the way it is, hv to admit defeat then,
I hv to go downstairs now anyway, fetch my sis from school,
GTG Bye!!!=b

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Luv ya!!!

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