Wednesday, September 3, 2008

memorable holidays.....

hey people!
i suddenly felt in the mood to post something in my blog 2days,
as well as get a rest from doing my geog hw which is simply driving me crazy

apologies for not being able to post for sucha loooooooooo-ooooong time,

ok so now i'm bck,
we should be rejoicing,

Now i guess i will start on how my previous weekend went.....
Let's see,
i went for my wonderful holiday during the be exact, it started on sat....
sit in the car, which was vios(love it),
for so many hrs on the way to kota tinggi, malaysia
then went 4 lunch at ah koong fishball restaurant...i tink...very nice lars,
but bad ting is b4 tat got car sick,
real hate zis lao mao bing of mine.....
then continued,
but zis time nvr get car sick, yays,
then slept,
and woke up to find myself in kota tinggi's rainforest resort!!!
so excited with my 2 sis,
then we went to our rm which was.......soooo...
gorgeous but....a bit small, but so
then me, sis n mum went out to explore the place and found many nice tings!
first, we saw a swimming pool with waterfall,
then we saw the restaurant which was like made of fully all wood, so cool!
then we "chanced upon" some really funny and adorable birds in cages,
they were like mimicing voices and making funny noises....hey...tat rhymes..haha
so we went back
..... ...... ....
hv dinner.....
hate the dinner time, know why?
cos of all the sickening flies(cang ying)....u know they keep flying around lors, and not only 1,
c, now even tinking about it makes me fume....
then we rushed and took a ride to this place,
where we took a cruise to visit some extra-ordinary fireflies!!!
first time saw it lars,
so beautiful
i even caught some and played with it,
i got a close up on the fly,
its butt was lighted up!
then of course i let it go,
i very gd person wan mah
then nxt day, had a very refreshing awakening,
ok mayb quite noisy wan with roosters crowing at daylite!
i woke up then got ready and.....i really hate wat happened nxt
we.....went for a trek in the forest aka jungle......
so.....i dunno....
the place was terrible,
there were many of my arch enemies,
n i recently made another enemy as well
and the enemy is..........leeches!
i simply hate them and they make me wanna puke....
i will try to find some pics to show u how disgusting they looked,
they are awful creatures, seriously,
most of the ppl who went for the trek got "sucked" by those creatures,
including me....
ok, i screamed, i really did.
n i not only got attacked once,
but a few times, really horrible.....
hate it, wanna 4get but still trying 2
....... .........
then went swimming and had lotsa fun with sis
then went home,
but actually, to a frut farm which i learnt many new things on fruits and me dad bought me honey of some sort....i tink is special type, dunno.....oso bought hua fen.....
after tat,
then we didn't really go home, but went to a hotel near a beach!
sooo fun,
luvin the beach there, so sandy, and somemore the sand is fine sand,
not the rough one oftenly seen.....
had fun playing in the sand and throwing rocks or stones into the sea....
the continued to hv fun till we went bck to the comfortable hotel,
then watch a bit telly, then went for dinner,
n how i luved dinner!
we went to a "faraway-nearest to the hotel" restaurant that we could find, which specialty is lobsters!
luv it, especially the lobsters,
n it is one of the top voted restaurants from channel U in singapore noe?
like adrian pang, MC king, and so many other actors and actresses went there b4!!
so honoured!
nxt day chcked out and went to cut hair,
actually my 2 sis went to cut hair, i only went to trim my hair, which means make it thinner,
cos my hair was really very thick,
hate the sight of it,
now leh,
i find it too thin.... hard to keep my hair wan.....
after tat then we went to 4 a massage as my dad had to hv a conference call or someting like tat on his phone to some ppl from london i guess....
had somemore fun and went for dinner at gu zao ren...
in hokkien is Goh Zha Lang,
which is where me and my family often go to,
and i always eat the friend rice there,
so yummy!!! =)

ok tat's all,
but if i hven told u all,
i broke my own record at swimming noe?
i swam 13 laps at one time for swimming wen i went to the swimming complex last last wkend!
so happy!
ok, mayb some of u may say tat this is chicken feet 4 u all, but, hey
i tried my best lars,
may try to break record again by swimming say 15 to 20 laps?
dunno if can not!

now i hv to go bck to concentrating to do my hw,
hven done some of the tings yet
including my tuition hw, hais,
ok post somemore again nxt time,
!!! =)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Luv ya!

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