Monday, October 20, 2008

My birthday is really round the corner...

The time has finally come!
My birthday is here!
Even though some of u may not believe it,
but I can assure u'll tat my b'day is in 7 days,
1 wk's time!
Which means my b'day is on 27 October!
So sry I am using sooo-ooo many exclamation marks
but I am sooooooo x-cited 4 my b'day to come!
I will b celebrating it in KL wif my relatives and all,
so i hope i will really receive lotsa presents!
ze countdown is now on,
in a wk's time,
I wil b celebrating the day like no one's business...
which means those ppl who read zis post owe me a biiiigggggg

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Luvin my b'day! =D

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