Monday, August 10, 2009

now just taking a break after doing notes for history chpt 4.
n guess wud?
I'm still stuck at the 3rd page of chpt 4.
great right?
yea. so pathetically great.

MY reflection after studying for history:
After reading through my 236 pages long history TB,(believe me, i alrdy gave up at page 60 -.-)
I have this big dream, or rather, ambition,
to want to invent this time travel machine,
where ONE, i am able to go back in time to understand even more about the history of Singapore, FACE TO FACE, with the presidents, governers, and maybe even Raffles or Govindasamy Pillai.
TWO, I want to go back in time to ask those people why they even bother to make the lives of future generation terrible by leaving us with SO MANY DETAILS about the past, that we are to study it now, and why they even want to have war and racism, or even, not accept the fact that other people have a different skin colour -.-
THREE, I want to go back in time to make a change of the history of everything, to just let Singapore be a very prosperous country with no fights on racism or whatever kind of wars they can think of, maybe food fights...can be acceptable, but nevertheless, it would make out lives of future generation SO MUCH EASIER.
OH. and one last thing to do before i COME BACK IN TIME.
i am so going to the past of the house of the one and only big smart person who even came up with the MAGNIFICENT idea of inventing exams.
GREAT ONE. Thanks for causing young students have white hair, getting depression, and some even jumping off windows, slashing themselves, or worse still, admitting themselves into IMH just to skip exams =.= THANKS ALOT.

okay, i have complained enough i guess(:
feeling kinda better, even though i am not able to fulfil this close to perfect dream of mine -..-
i still have to go for the history exam tmr.
which makes me wanna strangle the inventor of exams even more ^^
so fun X) *if that were to happen*

okay, PROBABLY, MAYBE, HOPEFULLY, i will be updating more about ytd later on,
after finishing my revision on history(:
or else tonight i will be found bathing myself in icy cold water,
so that i can catch a cold n take an mc for tmr (:
haha no la. just kidd.

UR TIME(for blogging) IS UP YOUNG LADY.
*aww...u called me a young lady, how nice of you, i knew i was one ;)*


xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Kicking the big butt of the inventor of exams shall be my latest ambition if i get to go back in time ^^

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