Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shattered - OAR (: AND Save You - Simple Plan (:

Hello. (:

before I begin my post,
Thanks for the Wonderful lunch at Pizza Hut (:
I really had a great time eating for free and pointing to yuju for the bill xD
HAHAHAHAHA. No la, I seriously ate to my fill and had a GREAT LAUGHING TIME xD
Okay. Sorry for laughing so so so much at Pizza hut causing people to be staring.
Hai. But they left too soon for me to start glaring at them for staring at me .________.
But from the time when we first met the SUPER QUIET waitress, to where Jingning's expression was xD funny, I was LAUGHING the whole way ._.
Sorry bout that yeas xD
I seriously was happy I get a free Lunchhhhhh xD jkjk (:

Today I am very unhappy.
Obviously cos of results. ):
I got mostly all Bs and even a C. D:
I'm seriously upset.
Okay, maybe not for maths..
But the rest were just pure disappointment.
Especially being in such a class where every single one around u gets like WAY higher than u,
and u just feel worse about urself ):
But its all right, I still Love 2Endurance'09 Loads Loads (:
Thanks specially to Jiamin, my cousin (:
for comforting me even when i _____.
Thanks to alot alot of other people that comforted me like,
Yuju(The great friend that said I was just "excited" about my marks so i had to ___, and made me laugh xD), Winglam, Jingning, Vanessa, Xue'er, Tse Hng, Urara, Wenhui, and ALL MY OTHER GREAT GREAT FRIENDS (:
Basically, I Love all my friends (: Thanks alot everyone (:
Its such a great thing to have u all around whenever I'm feeling down (:

For chinese, I had a fun time sitting next to Jayner, Sister Yap(:
We basically talked and talked (:

For Home econs, sat with Jiamin, cousin(: and in front of Wayne and Weijian, and behind Xinyi, Wenhui, Huimin, and somemore great peepo(:

*Okay. I seriously dunno why my aunt and sister are screaming for happiness after watching Don't forget the lyrics because the guy won and i still dun get why they are even screaming when its not as if they won the money cos if they did I would actually be up there snatching the money away from them okay this makes totally no sense but it seems as if they're really happy that the guy won like $10000 or sth okay nvrm.*

and Its all right Jessica(: I'm sure u've already found the great news to tell your parents right? (:
But dun worry, u always still have the other good news: "I'm out of Bad news." xD
Fine, I'm being lameeeee xD
But cheer up kaysss (:

*OMG OMG. I LOVE SAVE YOU BY SIMPLE PLANNNN (: I really love songs that rock. I love songs which lyrics actually make so much sense :D :D*

Back to topic. ._. sorry for cutting in so many times. .______.

For Science, I sat beside Jiamin as well (: Seriously love her loads (: She's a great couzzie (:
and thanks again couz. For comforting me when I appeared to ___ like SO MANY TIMES ._.
sorry if I pissed u off a little .______.
Thanks to Tse Hng which appeared to be able to "Kan Kai" really well xD
Thanks to Wenhui for cheering me up loads when I received the Bad bad results (:
oh n congratulations yea Wenhui (: See? I knew u CAN do it (:
Thanks to Urara, and we all(including Tse Hng and Wenhui) we kinda formed this super funny grp, even though we get low marks for science, we're still HAPPY peepo (:
then went over to Yuju, Jingning, Winglam their side (:
Thansk to Them that I managed to cheer up, Yuju said I was too excited about my marks that I started _______ xD

For Maths, again I sat beside Jiamin(:
Then we received back our papers, and lalala,
I think thats the only paper that I felt kinda satisfied.
That's the Only Paper. ):

Conclusion after EOY: I basically screwed the whole thing up. As in literally. ._.

and I oso realised what real friendship meant, and I think I'm SO going to miss 2E'09 and everyone in it ):
Love ya people (:

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Thanks Thanks and Many more Thanks (:

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