Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson (:

I totally just remembered that I haven't talked or commented about the Movie 2012 xD
haha okay I shall do it here..
but in point form yeas?
cos I'm pretty beat after finishing cheena hw (:

About the Movie 2012:
1. I DIDN'T CRY (: at all ._.
2. Yea but I still screamed ._. at most parts .______.
3. I seriously LOVE the movie now cos its kinda action packed (:
4. I'm actually even surprised to see that the movie had some funny parts :D
5. and when I say funny parts I really DO find them real funny (:
6. It was touching at some parts.
8. a total 5 star show if u ask me ._. cos I love the graphics and everything about it (:
9. n the actors and actresses look pretty nice too (:
10. I want 2013 xD

haha yeaaaaaaaaa the movie is really nice (:

homework updatez (:

Left with:
1. 1 Geog article
2. 1 page summary/mind map of SS notes
3. second heymath quiz

and if u also count the yuedubaogao for chinese that which i left out FOUR WORDS as undone then fine (:
cos I totally forgot what the four words are(its a chengyu) to describe unafraid to seek help from others.
SO PLEASE TELL ME/SMS ME/MSN ME/EMAIL ME if u know whats the chengyu(that has been bothering me for the past hour on what it is -.-) PLEASE AND THANKYOU (:


Upcoming events in my life... :
1. I'm still obsessed with Taylor Lautner. (:
2. I'm going to put braces soon >< and I'm not looking forward to it cos it means I'm not going to open my mouth ever again next year ._. hahas
3. I'm determined to finish my hw (other than heymath) by this week. Hopefully .___.
4. I still have weird dreams sometimes at night ><
5. and I can't seem to think of anything else to say now xD

안녕 (:

xoxoxoxo I know I still owe you a sorry. (:

p/s: the above song 'already gone' was somehow stuck in my head last night -.-

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