Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nothing's gonna change my love for you - Richard Clayderman (Piano) :D

I Love this song (:
Literally, Practically, and Seriously Lurve it (:

oh before that: Warning: This post shall be one which I'm gonna waste while blabbering and complaining and just talking and typing. so Yea (:

If you somehow suffer from this disorder where u will feel like killing whoever blabbers alot or continues talking non stop and can complain practically the whole day without stopping or taking a break... Then u better stop reading NOW :D

hahas so now i shall begin.
*Takes deep breath*

The new maid is here alrdy (:
She seems kinda nicee (:
as in really just that I haven't talked to her yet..
even though she came last night but..
ya know even people like me can get shy.. so erm yea..
okay maybe I talked to her alrdy, but as in "talk" to get to know her better..
so now I'm still really shy to talk to her..
to make things worse,
i don't think she knows how to speak english really well ._____.
so i spoke to her in malay and FYI, my malay can only pass kindergarten standard. -.-
(Please. I saw my cousin's PRIMARY school malay textbook and I was BLOWN AWAY. -.-)
But dun worry, we can still... Communicate quite.. O..k..a..y..
Fine. I use hand signs sometimes. -.-
but at least i know a little malay .___.
but she looks really nice and SMILEY xD (:

(see? I told u i will seriously be blabbering loads so u can just ignore this whole post and go stare at the pics from the previous post for goodness sake -..-)

and I really LOVE checkered stuffies :D
*squeals! OMG*
I really find checkered stuff Beautiful now and I dunno why .______.
I have decided to get a checkered bag for my next year school bag (:
YAY (:
I alrdy have checkered shoes .__.
well its the high heel wan so i dun wear it often ._.
cos I wore it once when I went to J8 with my sister and TRUST ME. *horrible ><*
even my sister got pissed off cos I simply couldn't walk fast and I was holding on to her to make sure she didn't walk TOO fast xD
hehs (:
Nor. The one i posted in the previous post.. that pic WITH THE HAT!
I didn't buy it cos erm.. i didn't exactly check the price but I'm sure its really expensive so hai ):

See. Even Sister Yap (Jayner) agrees with me (:
I love piano songs alot cos I think they are just beautiful and really touching sometimes..
like they sound so uber nice and I especially like the feeling when u get to play the song u love on the piano :D
heh for me so far..
River flows in you (Mastered :D)
Ballade Pour Adeline (2/4 pages :D)
Part of my world - Disney's Little Mermaid (Mastered :D) (but mine is the shorter version.. I just realised the ACTUAL version is like 8 PAGES LONG -.- mine is only 4 -..-)
Marriage D'Amour (1/4 pages -.-)
Fur elise (1/4 pages) -.- -.- actually its always repeating -.-

I've many piano pieces that I only learn one bar and lazy to continue learning finish alrdy ._.
as for exam pieces ar.
Aiya. I only mastered first piece... going at a snail's pace for second piece and third piece so-so -.-

Summary: I LOVE PIANO (songs, piano itself, everything :D)
Black Beauty <3

hai. Okay now what else to blab about..

*stares at sister opposite the table*
Great. She's showing me how she actually wastes paper. (MY post it pad and DAD'S white A4 paper -.-)
*strangles her* Nah. I'm not THAT mean xD

OH OH OH I just rmb sth that kept me laughing last night xD xD xD

cos my sister and I were hungry last night (like midnight) so we got up and my sister suggested eating INSTANT NOODLES. -.-
but since my dad wasn't around to actually give permission (cos my mum surely won't allow D:)
and cook for us..
we just decided to settle for ham bread (make ourselves wan la hai )
then SOMEHOW. my mum managed to hear us making bread -.- or sth like that and she got up from her bedroom which was like a room away from the kitchen to ask us what we were doing.
Yea she's superrrr ._____.
so the convo between all of us went like:

Mum: *walks into the kitchen*
JX and I: *freezes (we were buttering our bread)*
Mum: What are u all doing?
Me: we.. were hungry?
Mum: Huh? so late alrdy still hungry?
Me: ya la I also dunno why my stomach like that but can't be helped .___.
Mum: *turns to JX* eh i tell u ar, u better not make the chocolate milo bread again ar, just now the bread u made u just left it there and no one went to eat u know. -.- somemore waste so much milo powder -.-
JX: D: Huh really ar? D:
Me: *laughs* (cos i was thinking: aiyo.. when JX grows up cannot do business wan.. cos also no one wanna buy from her xD xD)
JX: *glares*
Me: :X
Mum: and hor, u also better not make any more of that.. what.. Milo Monster ar.
Jiaxuan: Dinosaur! Mummy. Its Milo DINOSAUR. -.-
Me: *LAUGHS uncontrollably* LOLS.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe u all dun find it funny but I find it hilarious xD
my mum super cute la xD milo monster xDDDDDDD

Whoops. ._.
my sister opposite the table thought I was laughing at her xD
hahas cos just now while i was typing milo monster i just can't help but laugh xD
man. she seriously thought i was laughing at her -.-
HAHA. oh well.

Goodness. The cramp is getting worse.
Okay I think this is enoughh blabbering for a post and a day..
so Ciao! (:

xoxoxoxoxoxo I think Sky is totally sweet. (: Hai.

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