Saturday, December 12, 2009


Just a quick post before I go to bed I guess (:
just now I was watching 'tao hua xiao mei' this show which just nice showed this part which was super sad
(p/s: it's a love story (: )
n I felt sad too -.- I mean sure la -.-
my sis said I wa crying but I wasn't lo -.-
okay fine, maybe I ALMOST but I didn't kayy xD

okay now is blabbin time (:

Life to me is about coming to this place called earth where you get to learn how to smile, laugh, cry, scream, get angry, joke, make friends, and have all sorts of feelings.
Sometimes it gets scary, sometimes it's pure bliss, other times you get confused, and most of the time you just sit down and sigh and think about what to do when you have a problem.
It's weird really..
Sometimes don't you just wonder why can't life be just like happy or where there is no such thing as deception, lies, sadness, troubles and fear?
L.I.F.E. (:

Okay I've blabbed (:

xoxo I'm sorry but all I'm lacking is the courage to just go right up and speak to you.

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