Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Changes. (:

I think Only Love by Trademark is an awfully sweet song (: Trust me (:
Its tune is just unbelievably filled with sweetnezz. (:

But I Believe for you and me,
the sun will shine One Day.

I think I feel like changing this blog to livejournal or sth soon ._____.
cos somehow I feel like having a change since there are also many changes going on in my life and all like that...
Haiz. Sometimes making me feel stressed up..
sometimes its interesting changes,
sometimes its changes that HAVE to be made..
some.. are just.. well.. changes I guess.
I mean who exactly LOVES changes?
Well for one, I can just tell u I hate them. :X
I hate having any changes in my life at all. ):
I guess for now I just need time.
Time to forget all those that are meant to be forgotten,
and get on with the new changes that somehow have fallen into place in my life.
So here's to wishing me, as well as ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE experiencing DRASTIC change in their lives,

Gah. Wish me all the best for my chemistry test as wellll (:
and argh. CMPS D:
Now that's a tough one. ):

But I can't make you see it through,
thats something only love can do.

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