Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nightmarish cmps.

CMPS is a nightmare.

and I'm so gonna change my blog to livejournal or sth soon.

I am feeling very crappy and I hate it.

CMPS. IS a nightmare.

But still, Yuju, Winglam, Joyce, Jocelyn and Abigail (My darling groupmembers)
We WILL be able to accomplish this seems-like-never-ending-well-actually-it-is-never-ending-until-the-end-of-the-year-which-is-basically-never-ending NIGHTMARE CMPS.

JIAYOZ and Love yall loads and Thank You so much for making me laugh SO MUCH in the library today -.- :D

Crap. I'm having a migraine now. Oh shootttttttt.

I miss you Ann Ee Ee D:

Argh snjshdisuhriuhfi4w8hforweuhfkiweuhfieurwhfiuerhfieruhfiuehrfiurehfo.

Okay sorryyyyyy but I just feel weird inside me.
Depressed maybe?

But Sec 3 Life is seriously akin to hell.
wahhhhhhhhhh D:

xoxoxoxoxo Shucks.

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