Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Too much memories.

I feel super duper tired right now.
It's just akin to having eaten sleeping pills even though I didn't.
Hai. Guess I just got a scare from today after most of the teachers introduced themselves to us and most of them were saying:
"I will be going at a very fast paced speed."
"This year will be a very short year for all of you and it will be the O levels soon."
"There will be Alot for me to cover for you this year so please try to keep up."
Stuff like this alreay makes me have second or third thoughts about even having fun and scoring well for sec 3 ):
and it makes me miss being a sec 2 even more D:
Alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot and alot.


P/s: this post was for the first day of school.. Somehow I forgot to post it? LOLS cos it's on my iPhone so I somehow forgot ._.
btw, I think this whole cca openhouse is _______ cos ______________ ):

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