Monday, December 21, 2009

Jump then fall - Taylor Swift (:

Hello, i just came back from the Dentist's office and I seem to he a phobia of going there..
Somehow the tools a dentist uses just freaks me out ._.
And I'm going to put braces for my teeth only on top on wednesday..
What he said Exactly: I'm gonna put brackets for her top teeth and a plate(whatever that means in dentist talk -.-) on her bottom teeth
My response: *stares at him while trying to get the information into my head*
So. Basically I am not looking forward to meeting him on Wednesday 2pm to get braces:/
cos now there is this blue rubberband thinggy that he put onto my teeth alrdy and it's seriously uncomfortable ):
and this time he did an xray for my teeth and believe me, that wasn't nice either,
u wanna know why, I'll tell u why, I pathetically felt like the sun with all the planets revolving around me -.-
cos the silly xray machine was revolving and moving all around me for the xray then there was this final one which is kinda complicated to explain and I oso dun wanna explain anymore cos I have this irritating cold and I'm feeling horrible now ):
*sniffs* Bye (:

xoxo "Reconsider all options before making up your mind for good." I so need answers cos I'm a total wreck now.

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