Thursday, March 11, 2010

Say It again - Marie Digby (:

Heyyyoooooooooo! (:

Tomorrow's.. *drumroll*
): hais.
Don't feel like running leh ):
but my goal for tmr is just to get top 50 I guess (:
Hopefully cannn.. (:

Okay now I'm gonna begin posting random random stuffies,
so u all can choose to continue staring at the computer screen reading my lame and random chatters or continue BLOG HOPPING to other blogs (:

Don't say I didn't warn u ar (:
Later I continue talking and talking and talking until u get annoyed or sth then Whoops. (:

So, I want to have a very longgggg wishlist (:
and the NUMBER ONE thing I'm gonna do is...
Have one FULL day just sitting at my piano and playing, playing, playing,
without a care in the world or without having to stare at the clock every five minutes just to check if my time is up to go and study or revise for a certain subject ):
I'm just gonna be playing and playing,
not replying my smses,
not answering my phone calls,
not with the clock near me,
not with my siblings or parents beside me to tell me I've got to go study or do my work.
That's my top wish (:

Go to East Coast Park and sit at my Favourite Place (:
Where I am gonna scream all I want even if people are gonna stare at me and call me a crazy girl (:
I don't care then cos I'm just gonna be this girl that's gonna scream out all the life out of her so she'll feel super refreshed after screaming. (:
And I'll start laughing at all those people that stare at me BECAUSE
I know they're jealous that I've this courage to just scream and scream and scream (:
HAHAHAHA but don't worry I'm fine,
I just like to DAYDREAM loads and I can imagine myself doing that. (:
WELL. What do u expect?
And I'm gonna stand on my Favourite Place and throw as many rocks and stones as I want into the sea, FAR FAR OUT (:

Number THREE!
I'm gonna go out for a really NICE COMEDY with my Good Good friends (:
AND It MUST be a comedy (:
or else its a total no-no (:
I Love Comedies (:
and I'll end up LAUGHING and LAUGHING and LAUGHING with my Besties and we'll end up Laughing till we start crying Hahahahas (:

I'm gonna go to those places that need help,
like those small villages where there are people, or children that need volunteers to help. (:
I'm gonna go help them (:
I'm gonna be a brave and helpful and kind-hearted soul and HELP all those in need (:
Its gonna be great (:

I'm gonna go to the Library and sit down there and read ALL the Psychology Books (:
I'm gonna hog the whole library from the start at 10am ALL THE WAY till 10pm,
if it closes at that time :/
and I'm gonna go IN the library with no knowledge of Psychology at all,
and come OUT of the library with a full brain filled with Psychological Knowledge (:

YAY-ness (:
I've created my TOP FIVE things on my Wishlist (:
Yayyyyyy :D

hahahahahaha I warned u right?
I AM a super random/childish/lame Girl (:

xoxoxoxoxoxo Say it again, for me (: Woots Marie Digby (:

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