Monday, August 16, 2010


What do you say to taking chances?
I say never take em unless ur not afraid of having the risk of falling down and getting hurt.
Hahahaha no la.
I'm listening to the song taking chances by Celine Dion so this came up as I was about to begin posting this post. (:
I'm alright. (:

But recently, Many things have happened.
Bad. Good.
Today was a really bad day cause we received back the dreaded papers.
It was in one word, HORRIFYING.
I cried when I got back my chem papers.
I breathed a sigh of relief when I got back my maths papers.
I held back my tears when I received my econs papers.

Okay sorry people but I just have to start ranting and blabbering for awhile to get things off my chest kay (:
Thanks for ur kind understanding all of you (:

Problems or stuff that make me feel upset/stressed/uneasy:
1. Lousy results.
2. Piano exam in sept
3. ASEAN mock conference.
4. Fretting over ________.
5. GOR'S PRESENT. *Glares at David Teo.* HAHA.
6. Lack of time to do stuff.
and many many more which I've forgotten at the moment. ._.

Sometimes its just too much.
Too much for me to handle.

"Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it was your fault." - Jamila M. Allen

"After all, human beings are just like material items, easily broken but not easily mended. Even with time, ugly scars are always left behind."
- Anonymous (I read this quote somewhere before but I forgot where so I can't exactly find who it was so I had to put anonymous.. sorry bout that ._.)

You don't know and You don't care.
Fine by me.

I Love sleeping beauty.
I wanna just sleep everything off.
Just let everything go.
Just let go.
Let God.
But its difficult because I never know what to expect upon letting go.
If it'll be good or bad.
I'll never know until I let go won't I?
But I guess once bitten twice shy.
Its difficult okay.

Okay I'm really tired alrdy.
Oh brain. Please just don't anyhow wander off and think of things that'll just make me feel upset again.
Please. Just let me have a goodnight's sleep.

xoxoxo As cold as ice cream, I see.

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