Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ohhhhhh HAPPY. :D

I think there are many things to LAUGH about.
I think the world should be a happier place.
This world should be a place where everyone is able to laugh about their problems.
Laugh about their situations.
Laugh about their accidents.

Instead of weeping and crying about what you've done wrong,
why not smile and be happy at the fact that now you've learnt one new thing on what NOT to do?

Instead of crying when you fall down the stairs of the bus,
why not start laughing hysterically at what a fool you've made urself to be?

Instead of feeling indignant and hating someone when they play a prank on you and laugh at you,
Why not start feeling blessed at the thought that at least when they're thinking of pulling a fast one on someone, you were the first thought that came to mind?

Instead of crying at night after dealing with a heartbreak,
Why not smile and be happy at the fact that you still have nice and sweet memories to keep?

Instead of complaining and crying over the mountains of work you have to finish,
why not feel honoured that you are making yourself useful and that people trust you and are able to rely on you to do work?

I think there should be a relay system in this world,
where when one person smiles,
his or her smile will be passed on to two other people,
whose smile will be passed onto another two people each,
whose smile will be passed onto another two people each.
In no time, EVERYONE will own a smile each. FOC.
Now. Ain't that what Singaporeans are always kiasu about?

As such, I conclude this post with 5 words and 2 punctuations.
Chey, Easier said than done.

xoxoxo I am going to be a happy girl from now onwards.
I promise myself. *Crosses pinkie to pinkie*
It will NOT be easy, but I am going to try.

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