Sunday, September 26, 2010

Adorable pictures (:

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MR HAPPY! :D He's soooo adorable right? (:

HAHAHAHA This reminds me of a Grandma Cow I don't know why ^^ Haha and I was like Omg what an adorable cow with such a bright and cute smile and I was thinking how could it be possible for a cow to have such BRIGHT and SHINING and STRAIGHT teeth until I realised it was photoshopped. ._.

Happiness is in our hands. Now I'm passing my piece of happiness from my hands, to You. (:

THIS. IS. REMARKABLE. I Love the 5 year old child. (:

Difficult. But we may try. (:
xoxo Keeping my fingers crossed ATAP (as tight as possible).

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