Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I've been having lots of dreams lately.
Mostly bad dreams.

Like how I dreamt that Annabel came after me & tried to kill me with a knife..
Okay if I didn't remember wrongly, it was a chopper.
Cause she was sleepwalking.. (more like sleeprunning)
& came charging into this weird room that I've never seen before & I was inside.
I was screaming & shouting & trying to defend myself from getting slashed by her.
& she only woke up when I managed to get the chance to give her a slap to wake her up.
And she was like: "Huh? What happened? Why Am I Here?"
When I was just too terrified to answer.

& last night I dreamt about something.
Cause ytd afternoon when I went for lunch with Yuju & Winglam,
they talked about how just ONE drop of blood can tell u alot of things.
Like for 400 uses if I'm not wrong.
Like for example your sugar level, cholestrol all those.
& last night I dreamt that somehow I was at the hospital & I think I did a blood check..
& the doctor just took one drop of blood & he said he was able to tell when I would die.
How many days I have left in this world before I would go.
Omg. I don't know.
It was just too scary.
I was just so scared that I didn't reply the doctor & I didn't ask the doctor about when I would die.
& I begged the doctor not to tell me.
But somehow I think I forgot his reply.
But then later it somehow linked to 2012.
& I was thinking in my dream..
Okay.. I would be gone 2 years later.

& Omg. I Just realised something.
In my dream when I went for the blood check,
I was wearing the shirt I'm wearing now.

Ack. I don't know what I'm thinking now.
These dreams still set my heart racing okay.
Cause it was really scary & its still stuck in my head now.
So I just don't feel good somehow.
Lord. Help me. Please.

& these dreams just come in snippets.
Like one dream can somehow change scene & lead to another scary dream.
But I forgot the rest.
I just kinda remember the people, but forgot what happened.
I dreamt of many many people.
People that have not come into my dreams before.
Jayner, Annabel, Puiying, Poyi.. many others.
I don't know why.
Puiying & Poyi appeared in my dream last night.
Like somehow I wanted to help Puiying buy.. something I forgot what..
& somehow she kept rejecting it.
& then I don't know..
Then somehow Poyi came into the picture..
But then I forgot what happens next.

All I know is that It didn't leave me with a good feeling when I finally woke up at 10am.

"And our dreams are who we are."
- Barbara Sher

Is that true?
So does it mean I'm just some sort of villain or someone who deserves to be killed or something?

How come most of the quotes I've seen are talking about good dreams?
& about how dreams make you who you are & to be glad of ur dreams & all that nonsense?

xoxoxo All I know is that I'm deathly afraid now.

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