Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Everything & anything random.

*Stares at computer screen.*

I'm suddenly speechless at how to start this blog post.

Okay um. Haha so today was oral in school (:
& I think I did okay. (:
Cause I got Mrs Ho. (:
& at first I was thinking Oh shucks.
Cause she's the HOD for English so I thought she would be a SUPER STRICT examiner..
So Yeap.
But actually she was really NICE. (:
Haha so I think.. hopefully everything went well (:

& Yayyy Its bazaar at RP on Friday for me on Friday (:
I'm going on a shopping spreeeeeeeeeeee! (:

Haha I'm gonna be stuck at home tutoring my sister for her exams (:
I'm such a Nice sister ;)
But cause my mum said that now my exams are over,
Its MY role to make sure my sister does well for her exams.
I mean like. I need rest also kay. ):
I just hope she cooperates. *Glares at Xuan*
& not be bouncing that silly basketball all day long & refusing to work with me or do any extra work.
Like seriously.
I'm doing u a favour okay.

Haha but I've been cooking dinner these past few days ;)
Cause anyway its been pretty boring at home sometimes when my sister isn't home yet.
So... Haha it is fun cooking okay. ;)

& my sister says she wanna name her dogs annabella and anna.
I'm gonna name my dog,
(its most probably gonna be a male..)
Taylor. :D :D
Aww Taylor lautner. (:
Haha Okay I'm not serious.

But I've been thinking alot about what I would name my dog if I had one. ._.
& I remembered in the past that I used to think I would name my dog names like:
Sushi. Cherish. Love. & recently Christ.
I thought of that on the bus back home (:
Cause I was thinking if my dog was this super mischievous type,
then I can shout out "Oh CHRIST."
Okay. Then I thought it sounded kinda insulting.
So I was like okay nvrm.
It was just me daydreaming anywayz.
Haha. (:

& I realised my sister can really Talkkkkk & Talkkkkkkkkk somemore & more & go on & on & on & on & on like THIS.
Youngest sister. SIX years old.
She's even worse than me ._.
Cause I was typing this blog post,
& she was telling me about what her two dogs were gonna be like,
what their names were gonna be,
how cute they were,
all the other nice nice names she may be considering of naming her dog she found online.
Screamed about the nice pictures she found on some really adorable dogs.
& then somehow linked about this classmate called Collin of hers & what he said.

My goodness.
She's the best.

I hate my computer.
Because Its laggy.
Its always LAGGING and dying on me now.

& I wanna listen to westlife songs on youtube,
but it streams super slowly.
So I guess I'll have to settle for Miranda Cosgrove.

I'm worried about how the results might turn out.
When I did the reflections for Physics & Chem just now,
I knew.
Its not gonna be good.

I guess its just my fault for not having started studying earlier.
So I can only blame myself for my lousy results.
But its not like I didn't want to start early.
I just had so many things to do before the exams started.
Revising for the tests, doing ASEAN research, CMPS reports, homework, Library Camp plans, & many others.

Oh bollocks.

& before I end this post,
I'm sorry Cousin. ):
I'm sorry I didn't go look for u at Mac just now after that.
Cause I had to leave with Yuju & Winglam then..
But hey don't worry,
I just KNOW. That it tastes okay ;)
Maybe u can pass some to me in my dream tonight heeZ. (:
Love ya loads (:
Honestly. (:

xoxoxoxoxo Diamond Walls I'd built around my heart.

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