Sunday, October 3, 2010

I know. I know.

Yes I know I know.
I'm supposed to be studying/mugging/crying/panicking for the exams tmr.
I get it okay.

Rest In Peace Ms Kwa Geok Choo.
And Stay Strong Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
We love you. (:

I think life is fragile.
I was thinking.
So what if we get good results?
So what if we do like awesomely well but die the next moment?
Then when we're in heaven, all we can remember is how hard we've studied to get good results,
But in actual fact you know what?
We've all practically failed the exam God has been giving us this whole time.
The exam God gave us, had just this one question written on it:
What is life?

Normally, people would give model answers like oh it's about being happy and doing well and all those stuff,
But in actual fact, how many people have actually made it and did all those on their life?
Stumped eh?

Conclusion: This is what happens when u get exam stress.

And here's another question that I've been pondering for awhile lately.
Okay, It's Kinda off topic from what I just said.. But anyway.

If you were given a choice,
Would you choose to save someone who loves you or someone whom you love?

I'll tell y'all my answer another time.
So.. Ciao! ;)

xoxoxo ugh. Back to Geog.

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