Friday, October 8, 2010

Under the weather.

arghhhhhhh. ):

I'm feeling horribleeeeeeee omggggggg.
And its NOT cause of the exams or anything.
Its cause of my sore throat + cold.
Omg my cold is the worst one.
Its like you wanna sneeze but u can't sneeze.
Then I tried sleeping it off but when I woke up,
the problem didn't go away. ): ): ):


And there's this annoying fly/ant/I don't know & I don't wanna know what its name is,
And I don't wanna kill it.
So I tried flicking it away but then it just went like 5 cm away and continued coming closer to me AGAIN.
Then I tried blowing it away and its just like SUPER THICK SKIN (Omg.)
It just stuck its big FAT stomach on the table and refused to be blown off.

My exams this week were.. okayy..
I guess.. In general, I think and hope with all my heart that I'll be able to pass all subjects successfully.
But actually I think both sciences (Chem + Physics) = Bye Bye.
Econs today was..
adding to the fact that my COLD (again.) just made me feel horrible while doing it.
Oh Oh and it was SOOO embarrassing.
Cause when I went into the hall,
then just before we started, I realised I didn't bring in my EZ Link card.
& I was like OMG CRAP. OMG.
So I raised up my hand and OMGGGG Winnie, & I think Wenhui? Or some other really kind souls helped me by raising their hands too to tell the tcher I was calling the tcher.
HAHAHA & Bertrand also helped by his "AHEM AHEM." SUPER LOUDLY.
HAHAHA That was funny.
Haha Thanks Winnie, Wenhui, Bertrand and I think there are also others in front who helped. (:
Thanks so much! (:
I think the MCQs for the Econs paper are a killer.
I almost died racking my brains for the answer when I couldn't concentrate. ._.

&&& my computer is LAGGINGGGGGGG.

Don't know why but I don't feel in the least happy or comforted that there's only one paper left to go before the exams end.
Don't know why.
I just don't feel how I thought I would feel today.
& I'm worried over how the results will turn out.

I'm sick of having to see my lousy results each time and feeling so upset inside.
I want to do really well, to prove to MYSELF that I have the ability and that I'm not dumb or stupid.
But somehow it always backfires.
I'm always the average or sometimes even LOWER than the average.
& that just sucks.
The feeling sucks.

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard u try, ur always unable to do well or at least meet your own expectations?
Yea well. *High Five* to those who are in the same boat as me.

I shall end my post with a quote.
I don't fully get what it means though.. but heck that. -.-

"Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently."
- Unknown.

xoxoxo Please go away cold. You're ruining EVERYTHING.

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