Thursday, October 21, 2010

Liar, Liar.

Why aren't there just any trustworthy people in the world.
I realised even those people that say that you can trust them at the beginning, will always appear to be big fat liars at the end.
They say they don't lie.
But yet?
They lie to you straight in your face.
& you have to go to the trouble to find out the ugly truth.
That the person you trust, correction. TrustED, lied to you.
I don't feel anything right now actually.
Just that I don't even feel like talking to that person.
At all.

How do you expect me to trust you anymore if you're doing this to me time and AGAIN?

Promises, to some people, may mean a small thing.
But to me, they're the world.
They really mean a lot to me.
You promised me that you DO NOT and have NEVER lied.
Yea right, you freaking BIG liar.

Okay I don't wanna talk about you anymore,
just know that I'm utterly disappointed.

Today we had fusion dance.
It was pretty cool,
we laughed alot about it at first cause it looked kinda gay.
The guy who danced the dance looked really hilarious when he was dancing.
But after really trying out the dance, it was really pretty fun. (:
Hahaha we really laughed alot and I screamed alot. (Literally.)
So now I've a sorethroat.
Hallelujah Jiawen.
Just 6 days to being a year older & you're sick alrdy.

Oh & about my birthday.
Haha I don't know.
I mean I used to really want a BIG BIG BIG birthday bash at Mcdonalds or something when I was younger.
My mum promised me to do so when I was 12.
But it didn't happen.
So Actually I don't have any big plans for this birthday this time round..
I mean, I'm happy if people even bother to wish me a happy birthday on my birthday itself haha.
& I'm happy to be celebrating it with Jiamin on my birthday.
& I hope I can celebrate with my other friends like my clique as well.


I bet you've all forgotten about it anyway.
Because you're both busy.
I guess I'll just have to prepare everything by myself.
You just don't have the time anyway.


Haha okay, I gtg now.
Don't feel so well already.
Haha but I'm fine.

Byeeeeeeeeee! (:

xoxoxo I just don't know what to say right now.

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