Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fringe or not?

Its just 4 more days to my birthday.
Haha I don't know if I'm supposed to be excited but I guess the excitement has not reached me yet (:

Been feeling unwell these past few days,
that's why I've not been able to post for quite awhile.
I had rollercoaster fever, with sore throat, and really bad body aches at first.
Then I realised I really CANNOT lie in bed the whole day or else I won't even be able to walk cause my head is too heavy and it will have a migraine the moment I stand up.
Man. That was horrible. ):

Haha but thank goodness the worst is over (:
& the funny thing was, I kinda recovered only just now when I began doing my work.
Yes. I think I'm now 85% sure I'm a workaholic type ._.

But I still have stuff left to do:
1) Amaths Corrections (2 qns)
2) DISC report (other two job options - 650 words to go)
3) ASEAN research etc.

Hope to be able to finish em by tmr I guess (:

&&& I wanna cut my hair.
I wanna have fringe.
Well. I'm kinda afraid though.
Cause I guess I'm just worried with how I may look once I have a fringe..
I used to have fringe before,
but it was more of bangs type,
but I had it during primary school,
and my hair was thicker then.
so it looked okay I guess..
But I'm not gonna cut bangs again,
cause I seriously seriously don't think it suits me..
I wanna try cutting like y'know the kind of fringe where you can put it to a side?
I think that looks nice, but not sure if it'll look nice on me..
Haha I told my mum & she was like "sure?"
& I became UNsure. -.-
But then she also said that somebody (I think old people?) said that sick people can't cut their hair.
But.. better to heed their advice than regret later..
But I hope even if I cut my fringe it'll look okayy.. ._.
& I won't get caught in school by teachers who deem my fringe as unacceptable > <

Goodnightz World (:
I Love all of you,
especially you, you and you and you also. (:
All my blogreaders reading this right now.
Yes I do. (:

xoxoxo Yawnnnnnnnnn, I wanna recover fully asap! (:

Thanks to all my wonderful friends for showing their concern to me. (:
Love all of you. <3

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