Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moodiness is really not a good feeling to be having.

I'm left with econs qn 7.
& its not that I don't wanna do it.
Okay maybe it is PARTIALLY cause I don't wanna do it.
But its also cause I'm outta foolscap.

Yes. That was random.
Hee. (:

Okay anywayyy..
I just went to Jayner's blog & seeing all those nice nice Halloween pictures made me regret not having gone out to celebrate as well.
I mean, I usually associate Halloween with playing the piano, like playing those kinda really scary DUM DUM DUM DUM tunes that will just shock u in the middle of the night.
Heee. (:

The thought of Chinese O levels makes me moody.
Because I kinda have the thought that I won't be doing well for it anyway.
Like TWC gave us a whole lot of paper 1s & paper 2s to do as practice,
& even though I can really promise you that I DID put my heart into each paper to try to get better marks each time,
each time I get back the papers,
there will always, & I mean Always, have a big JIAYO and my lousy score beside it.
Like I really did try, I did.
If even this doesn't help in improving my chinese,
then what can?
I'm really almost at a loss for ways to improve my chinese already.
So I guess I'll just have to mentally prepare myself.
Or I don't think I'll be able to take it when I see my lousy marks next year.
But I can definitely promise all of you, and most importantly myself,
that I WILL do my very best for the Chinese Os on Wednesday,
so regardless of the outcome,
I KNOW. I have really done my best.

Sigh. Okay enough of depressing stuff.

My Aunt bought me new clothes! (:
Haha, sorry, this is the only recent news that really helped to make me feel better. (:
Haha there's a belt, for the previously bought dress,
then these two other tops,
and then finally this super nice (to me) CHECKERED like dress kind. (:
Haha but it's being sent for alteration cause the top is kinda loose.
So now I guess my preparations for the upcoming weddings are done. (:
Yeeeeeeeep. (:

so later I'm going to vivo for dinner,

& I really have got to buy my foolscap paper.
Or else I'll see Mrs Lai's wrath tomorrow.
Now that's scary if u ask me.
Haha (:

xoxoxo Am I doing this right?

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