Thursday, September 5, 2013


Haha did u get my pun in my title? HAHA.
This is the time just before prelims, so it's like Pre-lims.. Okay nvrm.

So yea sept holidays just started today, okay not really holiday holiday, cause I'll have to start revision for prelims & As, but well u guys get what I mean. 

Hmm so as usual I'm lying on my bed & blogging this late night post just before I go to bed. (:
But no don't worry, my phone batt's left with 32% so I don't have to rush out this blogpost. We're all good. 

Okay actually I'm also not sure what I wanna blog about but I just suddenly felt like blogging.

I guess I shall maybe continue on some facts about meeeeeeself over here hehe or else I won't know what other am stuff to blog about haha!

1. I'm an insecure freak. So I get insecure really easily. Real real easily. 
2. But thanks to God, I've been feeling better regarding my insecurity issues lately. (:
3. I honestly didn't think I was really that short until my friends always said I was short cause they were mostly taller than me. Then I'm not a little more conscious & I mind more now whenever people say I'm short. I mean. WHAT'S WRONG WITH NOT BEING TALL. HMPH.
4. I fall in love with cute angmoh guy actors rather fast especially if they are exceptionally sweet or cool in the show/movie etc.
5. Haha but everyone kinda knows my "boyfriend" is Taylor Lautner HAHAHA.
6. I secretly wish I had an exotic but adorable animal as a pet. I want a pet that others normally do not keep but would kill to have as a pet. Like a baby lion cub or a tiger cub or like anything exotic BUT CUTE.
7. I hate dark places. My house has to be bright with lights or natural sunlight for me to feel at home & not insecure.
8. Which is why I hate those hotels with rooms that expect their customers to survive with like ONE or TWO lamps illuminating the whole room. 
9. I've always wanted to learn the drums. 10. That's cause I think it's cool for a girl to play drums. 
11. Yea I like doing weird & different stuff.
12. I only have two medals. 
13. Both medals are won due to cross country in two consecutive years.
14. 9th in the first & 4th place in the second year.
15. I love sunflowers.
16. I have a fear of cats. Not immense fear, but fear of walking past cats.
17. That's right. I'm alright with playing with my friend's cats, but I have a thing with walking past them.
18. I always have this feeling/fear that cats would suddenly spring up from whatever position they were from & scratch me or disfigure me or sth.
19. I wanna learn how to use the skateboard.
20. I love dimples. People with dimples. Especially one sided dimples. 

This is a picture of me in better times hahaha, last year during my b'day. (: 

A'ight, G'night peeps <3

xoxoxoxoxo burdened.

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