Wednesday, October 9, 2013




Okay I give up. Hahaha. It's getting kinda tiring having to type in Chinese & my speed in typing Chinese is slow, so so slow. It's getting a lil annoyin'.

So I'm gonna turn in earlier today cause of my dry dry eyes. 
Recently my eyes somehow feels a little swollen though thankfully I guess it's not that obvious physically but still. 
I guess it's cause of the lack of sleep.
AND my memory's been really bad as of late. Oh who am I kidding my STM has always been there to haunt me.
But recently if u ask me what I did the day before or where I went.. My mind would literally be blank as I start to try to recollect but I won't be able to remember until someone prompts me like "oh remember u went JB?" & then everything will only slowly fall in place.
It sounds as if I am some dimwit that takes very long to think & understand stuff but whatever.
Haha I don't even know the actual meaning of what this post is going to be about.. 

But I re read the drawing block written by my class to each one of us with nice encouraging notes as well as thanks for this & that & it always fills me with love for this lovely class after I read it every single time. Sigh.

I WILL miss 1210. Why isn't anyone else feeling as sad as me that school is ending?

Oh well. Goodnight peepos.
& please don't let me think anymore tonight or have anymore nightmares. Let me finally have a nice night & a nice rest. 

To all those reading this before their bedtime, Thanks for reading up till here (unless u skim through here & there to get here & not read every single part of this post *punch* HAHA)
& G'nite mate, rest well & may tmr be a better day for all of us <3

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Smile, & the world will smile with you.

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