Sunday, April 13, 2014

Photo updates

Cause it's easy to upload pictures using my phone.
And.. I bet u all miss my face. Not.

Me with lei ^^ More pics coming hehe

Told u guys there were gonna be more & More HAHA.

And this was taken near Von's house when lei & I went over for a sleepover haha (: Pretty "Sakura" tree 

And I went for a free trial ukelele session like the day before ytd!! Okay my sis went then I tagged along & I learnt like 4 chords that I can play & the tcher said I can already play many pop songs with those 4 chords so I'm so getting a ukulele for myself... Unless anybody wants to sponsor me *looks around with hopeful eyes* 

& a pictures of my sisters & I to show how much we have grown, or rather, they have grown hahaha <3

& ma dawg. As adorable as ever (to me) & not forgetting, as NAUGHTY as ever hmph. Cheeky boy. 

Somehow I really really like this quote haha. It makes me feel like a strong person, never a weakling.

And this is definitely a DNTS: Daily Note to Self

A..nd I find this quite funny so it's a little joke to lift your spirits for today or a little bedtime joke if you're going to sleep like me. 
Hahahaha g'nite!

xoxoxoxoxo hugs & kisses.

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