Monday, April 28, 2014

The results are out, all out.

I'm feeling rather bloated after dinner & eating lots of fruits. 
Sigh recently feeling so fat don't know why. Maybe I've really been eating a lot. 
Gotta cut down haha. 

Okay. So the results are all out. Like my Uni application results are ALL OUT.

So they are:
SMU Business
NTU Communication studies 
NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

I know. They are ALL different choices, specially for me because up till now I also haven't actually decided what I wanna study or what I intend to go into. 

Anyone that reads this that has been from this courses or that's currently in this course, can u please give me some insight as to which one I should go for?
I need all the feedback & comments now to make the best decision for myself.

Andddd so anyway..
Tmr's gonna be my very first official driving lesson! & I'm kinda excited haha.
I did try to drive a little when I was in M'sia but tmr will be the first time I'm actually driving in s'pore & well it's like an official driving lesson so.. Reason enough to be excited right??
But it's just gonna be an hour ): so hope time won't really pass by that fast & I hope I remember what I learnt before in M'sia.
Can't wait to really officially get my driving license!!! 

Some pic updates:

Lei & I when we went out the other time & YAY meeting her again for our movie/shopping date this wed (:

Number 1: Lei
Number 2: Es & Cas

My baby boy hehe. Okay maybe he's not exactly a baby anymore cause he's already like.. 5 years (35 human years) old!!! 
Cute right hehe ;)

Hahaha & this is really a Baby Boy cause he's still so young hahaha. <3

xoxoxoxo Till next time.. 

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