Saturday, June 28, 2014


I have a lot of dreams.
Dreams not being those you have at night, though I do get those occasionally, but in this post, I'm talking about dreams like aspirations that I have.. Things that I aspire to do.
Things I'll like to start doing even now if it's possible.

People used to always ask me, "So what do you want to be when you grow up?" or "Do you have in mind what you'd like to do when you're older?"
And I always reply with a shrug, side smile, saying "I don't know.. yet."

But that was a lie.

I always knew inside of me that I wanted to do many many many things.
But I knew that everything I've ever thought of doing, it all always boiled down to one thing.
To give back, to help. To serve.

It was because I had so many, so many plans bubbling inside of me that even if I wanted to tell someone what my plans were, they'd not even live to tell the tale because I would never be able to stop talking about 'The Plans of My Future'.
But it was also because I didn't have an exact goal as to where I could start, for me to even tell people what the plan for myself was.

Okay I've talked a lot about my "PLAN" and I'm sure you're all already getting sick of this word so.

I was watching the telly just now as usual and I cam across this show on Cesar Millan. (In case you guys don't know, Cesar is a really really awesome man who can really connect well with dogs, and he's known as the dog whisperer, and there are shows where he goes to the houses of people who have problems with their dog, and he helps to solve these problems. Go read up on him if you're interested to know more, he's really cool.)
So this particular episode of the show was talking about the breed of Pitbulls.
For me, I personally… adore pitbulls. Honestly.
I would admit that in the past, when I was younger, I didn't really have a good impression about bulldogs or pitbulls because.. of their physical appearance.
AND the show on Tom & Jerry, remember that grey bulldog that always appeared to chase Tom around & such? Yea because of how society always portrays Bulldogs & pit bulls to be a bully breed, and a really ferocious type of dog, it also made me dislike such breeds.
I remember when I was younger, I always hoped I could get a Yorkshire Terrier or a Maltese.
I was so set on either of these two breeds as a pet because they were adorable.
Cute and small, every little girl's dream.
But it's only now that I've learnt that Pitbulls and Bulldogs are definitely not a bully breed.
Every dog is a good dog. Dogs are just like humans. Every human was definitely not born a murderer, rapist, or a criminal. It's only because of the love and care they receive, because of societal opinions, because of the environment they lived in that determined what they became when they were older and had the ability to think for themselves.
Dogs too. Every puppy when brought into this world were pure and definitely are not aggressive. Yes it may be true that different breeds of dogs may have their own special attributes in terms of hyperactivity and their needs etc, but every dog definitely was born with a good nature and it's under what kind of an environment it is living in that actually determines what character they adopt.
If a dog is treated with love and care in a loving family, it would only make sense for the dog to repay that family with only more love. Vicely Versa.
Anyway sorry, for this mid rant cause it really broke my heart when I watched the show and learnt that such a beautiful breed of dogs were being so badly misunderstood by people. The consequence of this deep misunderstanding is euthanasia for the pit bulls and bulldogs that people gave away.
Even for owners of Pitbulls who loved their dogs so much.. they had no choice but to surrender their dogs to the authorities in America because of probably complaints from neighbors who were worried about living in the same area as the "aggressive" pit bulls.

That's why I wish I could do volunteer work, or donate to such a good cause, or just to do something to be able to help improve the situation.
There are so many big things I wish I could do. Like create an association for a good cause.
I'm not sure if in Singapore this problem or misunderstanding people have for the breed of pit bulls and bulldogs is deep that it should be alarming or not, but when I searched on Google.. I think there isn't such an association catering to the saving of this breed of dogs.

This is one of my many plans.

Some other plans that I have are rather personal, I might disclose at a later time but.. I really wish that in future, I won't be tied to a 9 to 5 kinda job where I'd live just chained to the office, and not living with a meaning or a purpose.

I want to live a purposeful life.

As people say, YOLO (You Only Live Once).
I may not know your definition of YOLO, but for me, because YOLO, hence I intend to make the best of my life to do purposeful things, that will hopefully make a change, albeit small or big, in this world.

Another thing that inspired me just today when I was in the shower. (Ikr, I always get weird inspirations when I'm in the shower.)

Sometimes in life, it definitely will not be smooth sailing. (Pfft. You don't say.)
That being said, there are people who are constantly unhappy and they just unknowingly begin to hate life, complain about how sucky life is.. And I know that because I used to be someone like that too. I complained a lot. Though I may not say it out all the time, inside I knew I hated how sucky life was.
Then today I looked back and received inspiration.
Sometimes you wonder, why some people have it all so good, born with not a silver, but a diamond spoon in their mouth, and everything just seems to go so well for them.
And then you look at yourself and about the things you have and you can't help but start to feel inferior and jealous.
But I feel that.. sometimes to look at it from another angle, you are given tests and tribulations even more than some people in this life, because you are capable of handling it.
Because you are meant to do big things.. I'm saying you are meant to do big things.. IF you endure to the end and not just give up on life halfway.

Many big characters in this world, are not simply just born with such wonderful abilities and POOF they become millionaires and billionaires just like that *snap*
But they definitely faced much MORE problems, setbacks and turmoils in life as compared to their peers, and they didn't give up no matter what but went through these "trainings" to ultimately, emerge as the winner among their peers.

So to think of it on the positive side, sometimes when you're going through a rough time, having a rough day, it's all just a test of how much you can handle and how durable your positive attitude can be.
One day you'll be so formidable that nothing will be able to stand in your way if you endure and get through every problem you face. I mean.. that makes sense right? If you've endured the worst of problems and made it through, what else can stand in your way to succeeding?

That's why today as I looked back on my life, I'm actually thankful for all the trials I've went through, those rough periods, tough responsibilities and even the environment I'm in.
I'm definitely not here by coincidence.
So now I choose not to complain but to endure, endure and learn.

And so I know that one day I'd be able to live out my dreams after life has fully equipped me with enough life lessons to endure through anything at all.

Hahaha Okay I'm sorry if right now I sound like some author of the "The pathway of success in Life"
But well, this is what I was thinking about today so I just felt like sharing with the rest of you who are reading this now hahaha


Love y'all many many and enjoy your day!! (:

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Hallelujah!

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