Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Brunch & Parcels

So today my parcels finally arrived!!!! 

Samplestore really offers extremely cute packaging!!!! This was the first & I think only package I would handle with such care & cut the top off so nicely because it's just too pretty to be ruined LOL
The mint coloured packaging on the right is for the primer I bought on Carousell (sounds so vain but stilllllll) 
Read about primers & realised that they're really important if you want your makeup to last longer throughout the day!!!! So I'm gonna incorporate it into my makeup routine HAHA <: 

Let's take a look at what's in the parcels shall we~ 

I ordered these samples from samplestore just about a week ago!!
& guess how much I spent for all these samples! 

*drumroll please*


I did not have to spend a cent on any of these samples because I ordered sponsored samples *auntie moment* 
& so even shipping it to your house is completely FREE. 

If you're completely ballistic over this piece of news, head on over to:
to create an account & get ready to shop for all the samples u want!!! (: 

Don't say good things I never share ;) 

Okay for those remaining loyal readers that are still reading this & not already shopping on samplestore, let's carry on. 

YAY this is the primer that I bought on Carousell for $8 (inclusive of normal mail)
It has about 40-50% of it left in the bottle but works out for me because I have rather sensitive skin & I'd like to try out this product before actually getting a full bottle to use!! (: 
But I read reviews about this product beforehand & it sounded like a rather good product.. So let's hope it'll be as good for me as people say it is for them ;) 

I really really love purchasing stuff on Carousell now cause it's definitely cheaper as compared to buying it in shops itself hahaha. 
Like the Maybelline Hypersharp Eyeliner that I bought previously, I got it for $10 when I think Watsons sells it for close to $20? 
But always remember to ask the seller about the product beforehand, like asking when he/she bought the product, & how much of it has been used, those kind of questions. Or you could just refer to the number of buyer/seller reviews of the person you're purchasing from to see if the person is "legit" hahahaha

I haven't tried all the samples yet cause I mean.. I JUST GOT THEM TODAY HELLO 
But I'm really excited to be trying them out *dances around with them* (weird alert)
HAHA so stay tuned~

ANDANDAND how can I miss out the first keyword in the title of my blogpost rightttttt?? 

So I cooked brunch for myself today

This is Nutella & Cheese French Toast!!

Actual Verdict: I've got to silently accept the fact that cheese DOES NOT go well with just everything. 

It tasted rather okay but I think the cheese kinda ruined it SIGH HAHAHA sadly. 
& another tip, please don't be as stupid as me to cook this on a warm humid sunny day because you'd feel extremely heaty afterwards & feel the need to down at least two cups of water. 

This is a really really simple dish that anyone can do, really. Because I did it, so can you. And I'm really an amateur HAHAHA (there. I said it.)

You'd just need to mix 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, all in a wide bowl (wide enough to place your bread on it)

Then after mixing them well in the bowl, grab two slices of bread, spread Nutella (AND ONLY NUTELLA NO CHEESE) onto one slice of the bread, squish the two slices of bread together, & dip it into the mixture bowl such that the bread (both sides) is evenly coated with the mixture. 

Then melt about a tablespoon of butter in a pan, spread the butter out in the pan evenly, then place the bread (evenly coated with the mixture) onto the pan to fry, flip the bread to the other side, and then when it's fried, you're done!


A'ighty I'll need to go get ready to spend some fam-time in JB so BYEEEEEE ;)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo can't wait for dinner already ;)

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