Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Anything n everything...

Hais Hais ppl,
so sry tat I hv not been posting lately....
guess there has been so many projects going on,
Geography powerpoint, science project...NDP....common test...
aiya, hope all these will end soon....

I juz lost muas blue pen
somemore it is a good one
n it is one tat my mum bought 4 me
i feel like crying....
I want it bck.....
sigh, hope I can find it soon....

Monday already hv english common test, so buck up,
pull up ur socks, and use all the other idioms,
jiayou jiayou, do ur best kz ppl?

Did quite badly 4 math test...
but i didn't fail hor
just not up to MY expectations

now c?
i so stressed liao
later hor, when older that time then will hv white hair
n dropping of hair.....
talk bout gd tings k?
wait let me tink 1st......

oh ya!
my mum n dad bought new tings 4 me!!!
but it also unexpectedly happens to b more asses bks n storybks xb
But I am also very gd this mth!
wanna noe why?
cos I still hv leftover money 4 dis mth,
n i donated $2 2 yuju 4 the connect heart singapore,
dunno wat ting wan

oh oh oh
I hv 2 go 2 do my hw now
not much time left!
I still wanna watch mua show at 5.30 wan u noe?!?
byez bye =b

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