Thursday, August 14, 2008


Wow, I juz noticed tat dis is already my 30th post leh!
some of u may find it very little, but i juz started a blog dis yr mah
so of course will not be as much as u all tink lah,
btw, how did u guys find the papers
4 math(2day), n geog(yesterday)???
Well, my personal reflection.....
I tink my really gd lor,
i mean, i really did not hv enuf time 2 really tink bout ze remaining questions
much less 2 chck my work!
4 maths leh, I tink it is so-so lar,
not really 2 say tat it is very easy,
but it has its own level of difficulty as well!
but off corse still got some qns not very sure.......
hope i can still get working marks!!!.......

other than dizz,
2day we had NAPFA!!!
n i tink i broke some of my records for some of my 5 items.....=)
u c arh,
Shuttle run: 12 sec ++
Pull up: 43 (my record; broked!)
St. broad jump: 180 (my record; broked!)
Sit & reach: 37-38
Sit up: 33 (my record; broked)
Yup, those r my scores......
so 4 now I juz nd 2 improve more on my shuttle run,
n sit n reach,
n off corse,
keep up ze gd work 4 my other items! =)
Jia You!!!

How do all of u revise 4 ur lit exam?
Ireally dunno wat 2 study,
or even how 2 study!
Muz we really memorise ze whole bk?
i don tink i will still b able 2 do so noe,
after all the other memorising 4 other subjects! =(
haiyo, nvm lah,
juz do my best lor,
try 2 remember important points,
like characteristics of christopher,
how 2 show his dislikes,
and all other tings bout christopher, i guess!

oh well,
all the best 4 tmr lit exam!
we jus hv 3 more exams 2 go, including lit exam!
duo duo jia you!!! x3


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