Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello ;D
I didn't go to school today.
so, in conclusion, today was STAY-AT-HOME-AND-ROT-day.
again. -.-
so today woke up at bout 10am ++?
I think so, cos i was lying on the bed with no energy to get up,
with this terrible sore throat T.T
n runny/blocked nose -.-
then sis pulled me out of bed n i changed n ate my breakfast...
then normal lo,
on-ned my comp and did work -.-
even though it was pretty late xD
but i still did assessment bks(:
then for awhile went to rest.
then work-ed again.
then rest (:

okay, my day,
is getting boring without any interesting things.
or is it that I have forgotten anything funny that had happened. ??
okay im nt sure.
*FYI, she's not in the right state of mind right now*
eh! I'm perfectly fine okay. ==
at least much better.

okay yea, so tats my day..
colourless. -.-
*sniff* tats me.
okay gtg now,
wanna go downstairs for awhile,
bye. xD

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Stupid Sore Throat. Wait till I get u then u know it was a bad choice to have let me miss school for a day =.=

p/s: I really want to thank those people who have asked about me and gave advice to take care(: Thanks ALOT(: N im feeling fine right now. Really. Really wan(:

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