Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exams r out!

Yea ppl!
xams are finally gone and we can relax as well as play now!!!
I'm sure most of you are not very contented rite?
I mean...duh!
Well, at least I wasn't happy.
Not really...
I wasn't happy for my science, chinese especially.....
as well as some other subjects which I think I could hv gotten higher marks!
Sigh, oh nvm,
anyway....its all done,
n can nvr be undine
get wat i mean?

So, I m like sooooooo-oooo happy n excited
tat I will be going out with yuju, yuntian n jing ning to celebrate our birthdays!!!
I cannot wait till then siaz
I cannot wait to receive my presents!!
jus kidd
Off corse I oso wanna go out 2 hv some fun wif my gal-frens lar...
But jus remember to bing the presseeennnntttssss!
BTW, my birthday is on 27 October...tats why we r like celebrating earlier
since my birthday is during the hols!
I m going 2 celebrate my birthday 3 x!
1st is tmr wif yuju, yuntian n jing ning,
2nd is nxt wk wif my pri sch best gal frens.....
last is definitely wif my dear dear family n cousins n relatives....
oh mannnn.......I can't wait!

so rmb 2 arrive wif my presents K
mus remember....

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Luvin my b'day! =)

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