Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello, and yep, so todae was ok lar, nothin out of e xtraordinary...
But i'm beginning to lurve my blog more n more!
Hahaha, obviously cos of the new blogskin....lol

So I won't say much, since I've a geog test tmr...
wish me all e best peeps!

Oh yea, todae last period,
Ppl may find is the most "exciting" period......
ppl may find its the most "omg...can I skip this" period...... Nahh, I dun tink u can skip...sry...
ppl may find its the most " Haiz...Boooorrriiinnggg" Period....
but yep.
Its Sexuality Education Period! *gasp I knew it, I knew it all along* hah
then this time, Mrs....Mrs Teo...uhhhhh yayaya...
u know ar, I asked yuntian
"eh, this tcher, wuds e name ar?"
"Oh this one ar....errr...I nt sure leh..."
*asks Joyce*
*raises hand all of a sudden, givin me n yuntian a scare*
"Oi Joyce! U raise hand for wat! I ask u wuds e name onli!"
"huh? really ar, ooorrrhhhhh..."
*sigh...oh well..."
But still I didn't get my ans of wuds the tcher's name.
*turns behind*
"eh annabel, wuds this tcher's name ar?"
Haiyo. Waste my breath. Nxt time dun wan to ask her alrdy. haha no lar no lar jkjk ;D
then i didn't get my ans lor.
At the end then she say tat she's mrs teo, so i know alrdy. Haha.
ohohoh, aiya i hven say wat happen hor...
oh sry sry, i forgot...hehe...

Actually nth much lar seriously...
jus tat she talked bout masturbation, homosexuality, protecting ur body, n some other terms i forgot le
huh? Masturbation actually can get addicted wan ar? I seriously didn't know sia...

Then went to the Anderson Sec Exhibition thinggy...
okies...i really nid to go,
hven learn my tingxie or memorise my poem yet, so yea,
bye! ;D

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