Wednesday, April 15, 2009

updates, updates n more!

Wah, weather very hot hor!
yea lor.
Todae 3 no....4 ppl were absent.
Sigh, 3 sick,
1 syf.

Meifang, Benjamin n Wei Jian were absent todae cos they were sick? Probably.
Then Jermaine went for SYF, dance mar...
Sigh...hope they will help us clinch a gold medal man!
So jyjy all e way!

Update on ytd Anderson sec:
We took bus 72 to AS,
hahas chatted happily along e way in the bus....
I tink we were the noisest! haha
But v fun sia...
me n yuntian n zoey n wenting were
like i say eh lip read leh,
cos i can tell u man,
we were definitely worse than the ah sohs in the market,
so noisy!
then after awhile we gave up.
cos is like t'was gettin nowhere,
we could not read each other! haha
*yawn, ok tis is gettin borin...*
skippin to the part *be patient!* tsk
the hall of AS ar...
wah seh i tell u,
i appreciate my sch better can?
like i tink our sch exterior is so much better than AS....
but AS is a gd sch lor....
then the ppl there like look down on us when we went there. Sigh.
I know we're from a sch not as gd as urs,
but puh lease,
tat doesn't mean u've a right to talk about us behind our backs rite?
How would you all feel if we said bad things behind ur backs huh?

The planeterium? dunno how to spell. sry..hah
all the constellations n stars n milky way!
Way cool n fun!
But unfortunately, my eyes had real difficulty adjusting to the dark n i got dizzy...
cos....aiya anyway really dizzy, cos it was up above us,
so i had to stare up.
n it was dark.

The bla bla bla...
oh yayayaya!

not goin to tell reason why. so dun ask! hehe...

Okies, bck to todae,
actually nth much...
jus tat durin eng...we went to the wrong rm.
wrong room ya'noe!
wrong room!

at first we(jiamin,vivien,xuanrong,jayner, n most of the other 2e ppl)tot
"oh, todae is music rm, cos mrs wong say de."
So ok lor, music room.
but we saw a tcher(look like Mr TKB leh!) in the music room wif his class,
then i knew sth was wrong,
so i volunteered to go to the usual eng homeroom to c if they're there.
and ran.
and ran again.
*omg man*
they're actually all there!
I was givin the *really omg* look,
*tat didn't help cos annabel was laughing at me wen she was s'posed to help me*

then i put my bag down,
rushed up again,
informed them,
n ran down with them AGAIN.
Ok, mayb they didn't run,
but i sure did.
n man d'u know how tiring tat was?
haiyoyo, seriously jus like the easy run man,
especially wif my bag. >.<

then then then,m
oh, mrs wong say my grp will present our ppt slides on mon.
n guess wat?
I've a new name!
Which is not funny n exciting at all.
Chieah Wen.
Like wth?
Chieah Wen?
well yea,
tats wat mrs wong called me.
so yea, Chieah Wen.
*sorry mum n dad, but I've a new name at sch."
haha no lar, kidd.
bet if i tell my mum my new name,
not only will she NOT b angry,
but she'll oso laugh her head off.
n i will jus b standing there sayin
"mum, mum! R u all right? Pls calm down man! C'mon! CALM DOWN! Breath wif me!"
*reaches for the phone to call the ambulance*
lol. More like i will be laughin my head off even b4 i say my new name.
n my mum will b me callin the ambulance.
or IMH!

Tats where the fun starts!
not always. Unfortunately.
Annabel came over to my place again n asked me how to do math qn 5
its a no solution qn.
annabel: eh, how to do qn 5 ar?
me: huh? I hven do yet.
annabel: huh? wth? So slow?
me: gives her the -____________- look. wait, i do first.
*tries to do the question as fast as i can*
without annabel helpin by sayin "eh faster leh, faster"
sigh, tats her profession. lol jk lar
*turns to ask xue'er, eh u know how to do qn 5 for math ws?*
xue'er: oh, its a no solution qn.
me: huh mr tan say wan ar?
Xue'er: *nodds her head*
Me: confirm he say wan ar?
xue'er: *nodds head*
me: really ar? Oh.
*walks to annabel seat,*
me: eh, qn 5 is a no solution qn.
annabel: huh why?
me: cos...cos..cos its a question wif no solution lar!
annabel: huh oh.
me: goes back to seat.

annabel comes over again.

laughs like siao dunno for wat.
actually is bcos of joyce's voice.
cos durin math class,
ween a paper dropped on the floor,
joyce was sayin
"ooh, flying!" n usually ppl will say "Eh! there's a paper tat has dropped to the floor!"
then dunno why annabel finds it hilarious.
n me n anqi also laughed along wif her,
cos we're actually laughing at her not at the joke.
get it?
cos we dun even find it funny. haha, ok mayb a bit.
then played played played wif zoey xuanrong they all...
hahahahahaha fun fun fun!

n finally my geog test is over!Over OVER!

kk, gtg now,
wanna go J8 with sis to return lib bk tats alrdy overdue, ;b

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