Friday, April 24, 2009

Today began wif the exams
btw exams r here so...yea,
todae had the first paper.
English Paper 1.
V diff u know?
I mean i dunno bout u all,
but i seriously find tat tis time the qn are tougher and more diff to choose.

During the exam,
I was staring blankly at the paper for like awhile?
Cos like the questions are really difficult to choose.
In the end I began writing about qn 2, wet market.
But this wet market is tokin bout 'A TYPICAL MORNING'.
So i really got abit outta point...
ok alot!
Cos is like i totally forgot bout e morn,
n jus wrote about the wet market,
ya know, bein all wet n everything...


then the second sect,
hahaha Mdm Poh!
I was really stifling my laughter cos I can imagine annabel bein called Mdm Poh...
which is like soooo weird....hmmm..I wonder...
Okok, pls ar annabel, dun kill me hor...haha lol
then its rather diff as well,
*tsk tsk tsk*
(aiyah! I admit lar! I find all e sect diff can?)
*gasp! My stomach jus growled...hah...oh k...tats random ;)*

oh yes,
n i decided to rewrite my whole sect 1 again,
cos i really got off point,
n since i finished kinda early,
i decided to rewrite ;)
N this is actually the first time i've rewritten any compo in any exam...
omg! Gasp! Its the first time leh! Hm, mus record down...
lol k, movin on!

then ohoh, b4 i change subject,
I wrote qn 5 in the end,
n i tink my story rawks!
Actually nt really,
but to me, I feel a sense of satisfaction, cos i created the story by MYSELF.
I hv copyright wan leh! haha...

then recessed.
Btw, many ppl oso write qn 5 know?
Pro rite?
I chose a popular qn! ROFL...

then went to class,
n benjamin took my seat.
He took MY SEAT.
n everyone was bullyin me -_______-
one take my bag(annabel, 14), another take my waterbottle(AGAIN annabel, 14)
then another bad bad "cousin accomplice" (jiamin, OSO 14)
she told the first thief to take my stuff.
Which has also broken the rule no.....from bk no....n pg no....
wanna know which rule, bk n pg? Check urself lar! Haiyo! ;)

Then i really tink 2e rawks, cos 2d(jus nxt to our class) was really quiet,
while our class ar....haiyo!
cannot hear pin drop wan, instead is hear screams.
Then cos i wanna chase jiamin(she poked me n i followed haha) the i ran outside,
mr lim was on the phone, haha
then i quickly ran in again,
annabel gave the cue tat tcher was comin,
n boom! We were seating properly at our seats wif plastic smile pasted on our faces,
man this is the class of the century!

then scienc-ed.
then homewrok time! at assembly. where? classrm lor, bu then?
did hw wif jiamin,
played the hand game wif joyce n yida,
played wif meifang n jiamin!
Man tat was fun!
cos is like me n meifang were fakin the paris-ian, french-ian accent,
then meifang kept laughin, me too...
cos we were toking n toking in our french accent!
n i jus noticed tat wenever i say 'nane'(pardon moi for spelling ar!) or 'hondo'(mercy again!)
meifang will laugh like siao.

then best part:
went out wif yuju, winglam n jing ning!
we went northpoint.
at kfc.
we didn;t get a plce to seat for our lunch leh,
u see ar,
we walked to macs, (actually i found a place, but wen i was bout to get there, some1 snatched it)
went to long john silvers, (oso no seat....sigh)
went to erm, yea kfc(saw fav ppl! but still no seat....Haiz....)
went to food juncton,(at first cannot find seat)
thenn later walk walk walk, man i was starvin!
finally, thank goodness! found a seat,
n bot chicken rice,
I lurve the soup!
$3.30.......Man i overspent todae.....sobs....
then yuju was tellin us bout the time wen there was public canin at her sch n v funny, the way she express! haha, I realli laugh n laugh like siao! She too! N winglam! Jingning, still usual lol!
then we kept on laughin n walked
went to library! ahaha!
saw joy n meifang again! at lib doin hw.
n we all laugh again, cos of many tings,
i doin the 'havin stroke' face, n many other jokes! aha.
then joy kept showin us, i mean me, the pls let the lib be a conducive learnin place bla bla...
hah, guess i was makin too much noise...;) sry joy!

then went home, me n jing ning by mrt,
winglam n yuju by bus.
man my feet was sore n painful,
yet no one gave up their seat for me....sobs...
reached home,
n i gtg now,
my stomach has growled umpteen times,
I'm hungry....wah.

Ks, Bye!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I wanna b a chicken rice gourmet! :)

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