Tuesday, May 26, 2009

eh why har?

wat r holidays?
they are days or weeks or *a month* that act as a day of rest, where NO ONE. is supposed to DO ANYTHING AT ALL.
i feel like showing this in big fonts to everyone.
like helloooo? holidays are near but i dun see anyone feelin happy or even excited that they're here.
tats just bcos of the mountains n heaps of assignments n homework n work n more work n work tats waitin for them to clear.
huh?! wats all this man.
wat is this.

get this straight.
My new ambition: to write a letter (complain, duh wat else) to the authorities or sth so that they can review n reflect on wat good have they done to help us with all these nonsense.
the studying only makes us go crazy.
the homework only makes us go nuts.
the revision makes us have hair like Einstein's. (after pulling out hair mar)
the exams make us get ourselves admitted to IMH.
by who?
so we will be free of even having to take the exam.

sian lar.
tats one thing i hate about holidays.
like its as if we still have school even though we r not goin to school.

I apologise to everyone if i sound like some old grandma talking nonsense, some of u may tink so.
but i still have to vent my anger n let out all my troubles lest i really get admitted into IMH.

feeling really sad n sad n more sad.
even though i have alrdy cleared my table...
so much neater man (:
but i still feel really sad n tired.
sob sob.

okays nvrm,
wish everyone reading this post a *try to, do ur best* happy holidays before comin back to school.
smile everyone kays?
dun be like me.
sad for nth.
tee hee.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :

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