Friday, May 29, 2009

Yipee! Hols yo!

hello peeps.
I have decided to blog sth today since its a happy occassion & my blog has been pretty...dead recently....hehe....

so today is THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL....
*omg! serious? omg! so good no need to go back to school anymore! yay for u!*
ahem. *taps on shoulder* i have not finished my sentence.
i was going to say that IT IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL before school reopens in July.
sob...sad lurhs.....still nid to go back to school in July....sob sob...
oh wellzxc.

so today as usual at school,
for THE FIRST TIME we had free period during science lesson today.
which was REALLY out of the ordinary a.k.a. extraordinary. tee hee!

okay ignore me. I m feeling a little out of my mind now. Tee hee!
hahas cos my sister is at camp *gives a happy evil smile n look*
but unfortunately still have the youngest one at home now. T.T
cannot! I MUST organise a camp specially for her! where the venue is at....
u guessed it! Botanical gardens. Tee hee! okok jk lar mei! I nt so bad wan kays! hahas

yea then today is miss lim's last day at school T.T sob sob...
i will miss her! Okay, i mean everyone else oso will but i oso will so yea.
*so complicated...*
n I bot her CHOCOLATES! haha! ferrero rochere(is it spelt like tat?) somemore.
got brand n is high class wan lei!~ not bad huh(:

so after school went to bubble tea shop with yuju, winglam, yuntian n jing ning(:
so fun sia. n funny XD~
cos there was this sec 1 guy waitta, later i rmb again then i tell u(:
but anywayz, this guy was uber funny can! cos he from winglam's sch(:
which made me notice like a group of people from the same school tend to have some similar traits somehow...
which is so cool lors... :D

then after tat, went to PTC for my sister... hahas xuan!
with my mum. of course(:
then met my ex form tcher for two years(((((:
she's very nice :)
then we talked about JX.
talked n talked n talked.
then home-d(:

eh wait, but b4 home-ing, my mum went to get the car n me n my sis were like walkin round the canteen,
then rite,
i was just going to the piano to play n my sis was oso on the way to the playground,
then i suddenly saw a very familiar person....
my chinese tcher!
i was like OMGOMGOMG cover me someone! please!
dunno why lars, just didn't feel like going over to smile weakly n say a "hi."
hehes...dun tell ar!

yea, then my sis went to camp reached the school AGAIN at about 7pm ++
but i LOVE my primary school ALOT can.
its so beautiful(:
plus, it has an indoor sports hall now.
haahaahaahaa.....~ which reminds me wat my sister had said to me during dinner one day.
it went like:
JX: eh jie, u know hor....
me: wat
JX: u know hor, today rite, i went to ISH to watch the basketball semi finals lei(:
me: huh wud? wud wud wud? U went to IMH to watch basketball semi finals?
omg REALLY? omg!
JX: no lar! I said I.S.H! indoor sports hall!
haha too bad, cos by then i was already laughing like some IMH patient.
cos i misheard n misunderstood then i tot she said she went to IMH to watch a basketball semi final tournament XD

so now yea, she's at camp.
okay, i know i have said it like twice just now, or thrice. oh wadeva...but its like her first time,
so i guess now im wondering how she is right now....hmm....

sigh okays, i bet this post id long enuf le,
so yea, gtg now,

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I forgotten to hug lotsa people b4 i left school ): hahas(:

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