Saturday, May 30, 2009


I just got a new twilight book today!
yea huh!
my kuku bot it for me(:
thanks alot yea!
n like after tat, i was about to go for lunch with my family,
then i was like holding my new twilight book,
so each time i pass by my kakak, or my mum, or my sis,
then i will go "haha! twilight book! haha!"
like some kind of crazy person tat has got herself a new gadget.
tats just cos i m uber happy tat i finally hv my very own twilight book to read(:

so today i went for breakfast at macs(: , lunch at KFC(: , n dinner........noodles =.=
sob sob....i wanted to break my record n hv fast food for a day, meaning,
i get to hv pizza hut as dinner :D *yayaya!*
get a life, i dun tink i will b able to fulfil this wish,
cos my parents will nvr allow me to do so man.
like NEVER.
but nevertheless, my dad is still a GREAT COOK (inherit from grandma(: ),
n i still lurve the noodles he cooks,
he calls it 'mian xian' . b:

went to pop-ular at toa payoh (hub)?
then later went to meet esther at j8 :D
cos she went for guides nearby,
so we decided to meet at j8 before she goes home at 5.30pm n reaches home at 6.30pm(:
why i know so clearly wat time she reaches home n leaves?
well, tats just bcos she told me so -.-
lol okay,
then we were like realli catchin up n all,
talkin bout our lives, n our exams,
n unhappy stuff n happy stuff...........
okay enuf!
well *regains composure*
then we realli walked alot man.
then in e end we went to the food junction,
while talking.
then i bot watermelon juice, (expensive seh!)
n i lent her $$ to buy ice kachang(:
nice of me rite?
*erm actually....*
yea i know i know i m really nice wan(:
no buts! haha jk lar(:

yea so tats about it,
then just now i saw my dad laugh so hard for like the first time?
at the paris n milan show tat i recorded.
LOL lar!
see him laugh i oso laugh.
Like the Paris n Milan show airing on 8pm every thurs,
seriously FUNNY n WONDERFUL show(:
lurve it alot<3

but b4 tat we were fighting over the telly.
my dad really knows how to fight lors.
u know wat he do?

dad: eh wen, i want to watch the channel 50 lei (tat boring channel -.-, apperently still his fav, he says he can gain knowledge -_______-)
me: huh eh please lei, dun lar. i want to watch this one.
dad: can gain knowledge wan lei, tat channel.
me: dun want lar.
dad: okay, then i ask u, wat is the capital of Russia?
me: sob, *just kept quiet*
dad: start with 'M'.
*mum tries to help with providing another letter*
dad: *tells answer*
me: *still does not give remote control*
dad: okay then i ask u, wat is the capital of mongolia?
me: *?????* gives the *like how i know?!?* look. (i shld hv shut my mouth jus now, cos i jus said out mongolia out of a sudden to ans the prev question =.=)
dad: *tells answer*
dad: now, wats the capital of India?
me: *hands up* okay okay, u win! haiyo! *passes over the remote control*


so tats my day.
well most of it.
okay liao.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I got a new twilight book! haha! haha! tee hee! XD

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