Sunday, June 28, 2009

Okay, maybe its not clear, but esther did her name on the test tube thinggy, n its seriously nice kay, but hor, they spelled her name wrongly xD It is now E-S-T-L-E-R instead of -E-S-T-H-E-R LOL xD

A really beautiful like treehouse or like a kampung house at the koi farm(:
This Really golden n beautiful fish (forgot the breed Xp) I had to take it three times but all faield cos it didn't wanna say cheese n look in the camera -.- Uncooperative fishy ==
FROGs! ribbit. Got some dead wan Xp some were dead, while other were hopping about. *shivers*
This is the brand of the veggie the aeroponics farm sell their goods as(:
butterhead lettuce at this aeroponics farm(:
second sis, youngest sis and kuku (:

Okay so here are the pics from the areoponics farm and koi farm (:
Will get some more pics from my mum's camera later on so,
Enjoy ;)

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