Monday, July 6, 2009

Okay, since its still 8.50am in the early morn,
I have decided to post sth since on msn only one person is online, two, so I will post.

n jiaxuan, (my sister, not the other jiaxuan) if u dare to even on ur computer and do some funny funny things like playing games and then wen mum asks, n u say its all my fault bcos I started using first, U will get it. bcos I m only BLOGGING. so u better shut ur trap n read this wide n clear. Bcos i m sick of u hving to only tell lies while I will get the blame -.-

okay sorry, tats for my sister since she was the first one to get me heated up n angry in the morn. The very first one, and I hate gettin angry in the morning cos I hv no energy to fight back JUST YET. so just u wait man.

funny thing is,
now she treating me nicely n i hv cooled MIRACULOUSLY bcos she wanted to give me sushi for breakfast. ==
hey, Sushi is a cannot miss on MY menu okay. er... so is chicken rice(:

okay, sorry for getting carried away...(: this is the real post:

ytd morn I went for breakfast at this Th....(sth sth) House at Jalan Kayu round there,
for Roti Prata :D
I ate two pieces of cheese prata,
which caused me to get so bloated up when I was in the car,
and adding to the fact that I was so 'lucky' then to get carsickness,
I felt dreadful.
In fact, I wanted to strangle someone,
er, not bcos SHE offended me again,
but just bcos I fekt so terrible that I wanted to strangle sth to make me feel better :D
then went for tuition,
on the way IN THE CAR AGAIN. -.- Much worse can D:


then went for my mum's company sort of product demo?
I dunno wats that lar, but its like introducing more products or sth...
i was too tired to really stay awake,
so I was like drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness inconsistently =.=
so yea.
then we went to many other places,
if i continue saying, this would be more than a "long" post,
it would be a Very Long post. (:

then we had dinner at....dang.
I can't rmb...
at serangoon, this whole row of restaurants,
n we just chose one restaurant named: Fragrant Garden Restaurant?
I tink so,
FYI, I do not have a good memory of remembering all the names of restaurants I go to okay.
so very sorry if my memory is tat poor,
if u all do not know that I have stm(short term memory) D:
yep. so tat was ytd news.


Decided to go cut my hair,
so will do so later on probably in the afternoon....
then today's mission 'possible' (hopefully :D) will be:
1. Math Ws 14
2. Sci Ws 5
3. History Wb
N my sister said probably we will have mushroom soup later on either for breakfast or lunch(:
n tat we will be fetching my dad to the airport at night to take the flight to KL,
n we will be hving our dinner there :D

Yep. tats all for now,
so ta ta!
N Take care against the deadly H1N1(:

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sorry for not posting for SOooo Loonnnggg (:

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