Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i dun want tmr to come.
i nvr ever want tmr to come.
i want the day after tmr to come.
i want to just skip tmr.
oh man....
then how.
i dun like tmr.
*hello?! Why?*
wah......i dun want tmr...
*OI! Why lar!*
sorry i was just pouting and showing how sad i feel...
well tats just bcos tmr i hv my piano exam T.T
hais. just hearing or even saying the word exam can make me feel like screaming.

oh well, i guess later i shall just spend more time on practising then.
okay, just wanted to show tat n mayb a few other things.
cos today is "STAY-AT-HOME-AND-ROT" day. -__-
n I do not like this day.

points to note:
1. My sister is sick today, haiya she lar, dunno if she purposely went to boil herself with boiling water to skip tuition from 2pm to 6pm(4hrs...very tiring hor...) so mayb tats why she chose to get sick today -_- still, get well soon!
2. i am going to camp .____. n it is not just some ordinary camp. its tuition camp. mm hm. its funny but true. well yea.
3. i prefer the twilight book to the movie itself, okay tats random as I know most of u do not really like twilight. well. ._.
4. I REALLY did not do well for this MYE. my level ranking de-proved. sigh. help. ribbit.

okay. ttyall ppppplllll nxt time. ribbit. for now.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo i tink ribbit sounds cool. ribbit. *croaks of a frog. ribbit* (:

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