Sunday, May 31, 2009

quick update. (well...nt really...)

today i went for breakfast just downstairs.
yep i did, simple will do mar,
so complicated for wud?
hahas okay then...

lunched at SWENSENS(:
long time nvr go there le.
like at first in the car my dad asked where 'u all' wanna go for lunch.
then 'we' seized the opportunity ,
so we say PIZZA HUT!
my dad of course went like -_________-
"can we choose sth else?"
but we opposed n opposed then my dad say fine go swensens.
well pretty gd le lors(:

so ate.
i ate fish n chips(:
one of my faves somehow.
but my fav of the fave of the all time fav has definitely got to be....
i m gonna grow up to become some kind of chicken rice gourmet man.
u can count on it(:

then rite.
this ting cos-ed me much much much displeasure. much.
okay. so we went to Giordano next.
n me n my sis each bot a shirt(:
a gift from my dad.
hahas happy about tat ONLY.
then cos giordano hv dunno wud sale,
then hv lucky draw.
so they ask me to go queue n WAIT in the LONG line to claim my prize.
n as most of u should now.
i do not hv a very patient character.
n asking me to wait IN LINE in this LONG LONG line,
is like asking me to dig my own grave, n then jump in.
so later i blur blur say okay fine,
then i went to start queuing.
then after 5 mins or so.
i was still at the same spot.
i was like glaring at the woman at the counter.
i wanted to know, was she doin her nail polish while attending to each customer or laying eggs or sth?!?
n i was like okay nvrm jiawen.
u hv to learn to be patient.
patience. Patience. PATIENCE.
as if THAT wasn't enuf.
suddenly got one old man rite,
standing behind me.
i didn't really take notice of him at first.
so i was like oh old man, okay nvm he's harmless.
man was i wrong man.
he was like muttering to other people: "wah, queue very long hor! so long n slow lei! Haiyo!"
then u know wat he do?
he purposely went to stand beside me. BESIDE. like he was some kind of car trying to cut queue.
n tat got me gettin angry n i was like WTH?
so i purposely went forward a little more, n stuck my foot out in front of him. (on the floor of course(:)
this was to show him tat i was in queue if he hadn't noticed.
(regardless of whether it was my height problem -__-)
(BTW, he wasn't tat tall either so it can't be tat -________-)
then he sort of got the signal n like glared at me.
he dare to GLARE somemore.
so wat i do?
i GLARE back lor.
then he turned away.
too bad uncle.
then he moved away.
i tot tat was all, man was i wrong again.
he went to stand on the other side of me.
stupid rite?
so i did the same thing. n continued to glare. -.-
then he finally sortta surrendered...(i tink)
but then there was his wife n friend or sister or sth, i dun wanna know,
then wen they realised they could not cut MY queue, (they wouldn't dare -.-)
they went to go curry favour other ppl in the front then in the end,
they 'guang ming zheng da' go n cut the queue IN FRONT.
i was super angry at them, adding to the fact tat i only moved like 20cm so far,
all credit goes to the really 'efficient' woman at the counter.
i was really steaming.
then finally it was my turn.
n i went to the other woman, which was much MUCH more efficient than the first woman.
n wen i saw how the first woman worked n did things, i really felt like goin over n showing the woman how to really do the stuff in a FAST. n 'TIME SAVING' way.
sigh. oh well. its over alrdy anyway.
so yea. tat was my day

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo i do not like the scales (as in piano scales)... :X

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